Page 22 of Resisting Nature

I’m king of the fucking world.

You aren’t even alpha.

I’m king of my own little world with this woman by my side.

I have Alexa back in my arms, in her bed right now. We should have talked last night, but the moment her lips pressed against mine, all that went out the damn window. All I know is now we can talk, clear the air, and move on with our lives by each other’s side.

I’m never letting her go again.

I’m not sure what made her freak out on me in the first place, but I plan on fighting to keep her in my life forever. She’ll be moving out to my cabin this coming weekend, even if she doesn’t want to. I don’t give a flying fuck if she thinks it’s too fast. I want her close to me where I know I can always find and keep her safe.

Take your time. You haven’t even told her you love her yet.

He has a point.

Or told her about our truth.

I don’t want to let go of her, but I feel the need to stretch out my body. Something doesn’t feel right. I’m confused. I can’t get my legs to stretch the way I want them to, and my fingersaren’t reaching out like usual. On a deep yawn, my eyes snap open as I pull my tongue back into my mouth, nearly cutting it on my incisors.


Fuck no!

You did it this time. Your dad always told you not to push yourself like you did last night.

Last night with Alexa was incredible. I couldn’t get enough of her and her me.

My snout is the first thing I see, not Alexa’s resting face. Dad always ground it into us not to push ourselves to the point our wolf side is forced to come out to protect us while our human form recovers. He was even more stern when it came to being around a female who doesn’t know about us, and I’ve totally fucked it up.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Mason’s going to chew my hide.

And he should.

Shut it.

I think I may be the only one of us who argues with his wolf on a daily basis. We’re buds, but we fight all the damn time. We can never see eye to eye with the other with the many issues that come up in my life.

Getting up, I try to stand to my full seven-foot height without hitting anything in my hulking form. I can hear Rylie in the hallway talking to … my mom?

Shit, forget Mason. Ma will skin me alive!

Run for the hills! Forget Mason coming to change us back. Just get us the fuck out of here.

Snorting at my wolf’s thoughts, even if they’re tempting, I walk into the hallway and look down at Rylie, who's finishing off leaving a message with Mason and guarding the bathroom door like it’s the building that houses the Holy Grail or something of great importance in it, like my mate I can smell in there.

Dread strikes my chest like a wicked strike of lightning.

When she calls me Pretty Boy, I resist the urge to growl. It’s fucking annoying when the guys do it, but it pisses me off that it’s rubbing off on her now as well. I can’t do anything, though, because Mason will be even more pissed with me.

I royally fucked up this time.

Damn, Miles!

Bad, Miles, bad!

Again, I snort, but I do what Rylie instructs for me to stay away and wait for my brother to get here. What a fan-fucking-tastic start to the day. Doing what I’m told, I lie down and wait while Rylie eats her breakfast. She holds the alpha female title well already. I’m glad my brother found her. He deserves Rylie after the bullshit Cat put him through.

She doesn’t talk to me the entire time. She just sits with me across the hall with her back against the closed bathroom door. I guess it would be pretty hard for her to have a conversation with me or yell at me when I can’t talk back.