Page 19 of Resisting Nature

“Of what?”

“Of what I feel for you. I still don’t know you well enough to put my trust in you not to hurt me in any way.” He tenses.

Pulling away from me, he lifts my face to him with a hooked finger under my chin. “I wouldneverdo anything to hurt you, Alexa. I know it’s crazy because it’s too soon, but you mean the world to me.”

Not another word is spoken as I lift onto my toes and press a gentle kiss against his lips. He never gave up. He’s the real deal, and it’s time for me to move forward with my life and embrace what I’ve found so easily in Miles’s arms.

I’m not turning back now.

Chapter Eleven


I’ve never been good with self-control.

Anyone will tell you that and give a good example, never overlapping someone else’s.

I had the purest of intentions when I saw Alexa today. Hell, every day I show up and wait for Alexa to either come out or come home. I have played it over and over again about what I’m going to say to her if she acknowledges me.

This isn’t what I expected. Mainly because this is the first time I’ve actually seen her. I don’t know how she managed to avoid me, but my little blond mate has been elusive for too long. Tonight, I intended to stay until she gave in and talked to me. I even begged Missy to force Alexa out here so we were in the open instead of me coming in to corner her, only to discover she wasn’t home from work yet.

Chocolates in hand, I sat and prepared for the long wait. I was hoping to finally get it over with.

I’ve tried so many things, and none have worked. Nothing I came up with when Mason ordered me to go after Alexa or when Rylie came around to what we are and gave me a few tips has helped bring down that fortress my girl has erected around her, not just her heart. I have a strong sense that it will be even more difficult.

Whatever caused her to run away from me isn’t something Rylie is privy to. Even if she was, it isn’t likely she would tell me what it was. This is a fight I have to take on by myself, one that I will dedicate my life to winning because the woman now wrapped in my embrace, who is feverishly doing herbest to possess me with her lips is the air I breathe, the light through any darkness I’m to encounter, and I’m going to do my best to be the same for her.

“Alexa …” It is difficult to part from her. After only a couple of short weeks apart, it’s a struggle to peel her from me.Shit. Lips are swollen and even more bee stung than they were before. Her crystal-blue eyes are hooded, with long lashes flaring around them.

She’s stunning.

My head nods, causing her lust-filled look to mar with a frown. She is still unaware of the voice in my head.

Then sit down, talk to her, and rectify that.

My throat is dry as I swallow. “I think we need to sit down and talk.” I was nervous about how to break the news to her. Hell, I still am, considering Rylie’s response. But because I don’t have to force her into keeping a secret from her best friend.

“No.” She grabs me before I can back up to the horseshoe and iron bench I had been uncomfortably stationed at for the better part of three hours before I moved to the steps. “No, please, come.”

How can I reject her anything? How can I call myself her mate, her protector, her man if I can’t give in to what she wants?

This isn’t just about me. It’s about Alexa as well. I want us to be mates, couple to the human world, and that means giving when the other needs outweigh my own.

“Okay.” This time, my nod is for her. My wolf is silent for once. He usually always has something to say, but like me, I know he senses she needs to take the lead right now. “Lead the way.”

I thought being in the open would be safer for her state of mind. A gesture to show her she can take off whenever she wants and get space from me if needed, but as she guides me into the house I swore Missy was in only a little bit ago, I’m the one who needs space.

We reach her room. I’m guided to the bed, where I sit while she turns back to close the door. The soft click echoes, so much so that she pauses, head pressed against the wood before she turns and drops against it. It’s as if she’s tired of holding so much weight on her shoulders.

“Alexa, I don’t know what happened.” I stand, but she’s on me in a flash, pushing me back onto the bed and straddling my lap.

“I need you, Miles.”

What the actual fuck is going on?

Up until now, she has been ice cold, frigid when in the rare case she saw me, and now?

What the fuck?