Page 13 of Resisting Nature

“Miles?” Shit, it breaks me to hear the worry in my name.

“Yeah, Alexa?” Scooting closer, I try to loop an arm around her, but she’s out of my bed faster than a toddler beingasked to show what’s in their hands and taking my sheet with her. Leaving me completely exposed. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to get home.” Getting out of bed, I watch her cautiously, lacing my actions as she paces my room with a frantic look.

“Are you okay?” It’s like I’m dealing with an injured animal.

“Clothes. Where are my clothes?” Frantically, she looks around the room. Her search won’t turn anything up in here. Everything we wore last night is out in the living room. I think her bra is hanging off some elk antlers.

“Everything is out in the living room, Alexa.” She jumps away from my touch before it can connect.

“Don’t touch me!” I’ve never heard a more panicked scream like that before.

“Okay.” Lifting my hands, I take several steps away from where she braces against the door. Adapting a tone I’ve only ever heard Macy use with Miranda in an attempt to calm her wild child, I keep my distance. “If you want to go out and get dressed, I’ll stay right here.”

She doesn’t wait for me to say another word as she opens the door and darts out, slamming it behind her.

Shit, that hurts.

What the hell was that about?

I have no fucking clue, but she was somewhere other than right here with us just now.

Running a hand through my hair, I quickly throw on a pair of basketball shorts and find a shirt before I head out there to check on her. I take my time, avoiding the living room to getmy keys. I don’t know what happened to her between last night and this morning, but it has me worried.

Slipping on a pair of sandals, I decide to head outside to give her more space, only to find her already sitting in my Jeep.

Find out what’s wrong. Make her stay.

It doesn’t work like that, bud. Women are difficult creatures to understand.

So is your human mind.

Biting back any more internal comments, I make my way to the driver’s side and get in. Her chin is tucked into her chest as she stares at her roaming phone.

“Are you okay?” I whisper.

“I want to go home.” Her broken plea nearly breaks me. It does halt me from starting the Jeep.

“Did I do something wrong?” Shit, maybe a sleepover was pushing it too far, too fast.

“Take me home, please.” That’s all she gives me.

“Okay.” Resigned that she isn’t going to open up to me, I start the engine and get her back to Fetterman. The trip to town flies by faster than the trip to my house. I don’t like it.

My skin crawls, and I feel frustrated beyond what I should. It isn’t fair to Alexa to receive any of it so I do the only thing I can think of; I grip the steering wheel to the point it might break. It just might do so since it’s the full moon tonight. My luck, it would freak Alexa out even more.

She doesn’t make a sound the entire way back to the house. I’m barely pulled up to the curb when she has her seat belt off and the door open for her to make a quick escape.

I can’t leave her like this, but I also don’t want to chase her and run the risk of making this worse. “I’m here for you when you need me, Alexa.” If she hears me, she doesn’t indicate so as she rushes into the house.

I feel the slam of both doors in my heart. Sitting there, I stare out the window. I’m lost, confused, and beyond frustrated that I don’t know what the hell just happened or how to help my mate.

Chapter Eight


Miles’s name lights up my phone’s stupid cracked screen for the millionth time. Ever since waking up disoriented in his bed, where I easily fell asleep feeling safe only to be attacked in my dreams by my fucking past, I still can’t bring myself to pick up. It’s irrational, but I can’t listen to him plead for me to talk to him and give him answers to the questions I’m not sure I can ever delve in to respond to again.