Page 8 of Resisting Nature

Looking up with puff chipmunk cheeks, I’m startled at the dark of his eyes flashing with a lighter shade so much so that I nearly choke. I’ve seen that shade before. Recognition puts me on edge for a moment before a car passes through our small view of the winding highway.

It was just a reflection from the car. You’re seeing things.

“What’s wrong?” The sandwich drops, forgotten to allow Miles to cup my face once more. He turns me to look at him again. “Is something wrong? Do you not like the sandwich?”

“No, none of that.” My face squishes with the shake of it. That’s just enough for him to free me.

“Then what’s the matter?” My heart beats rapidly against my chest at how concerned he looks.

Am I that needy to find his overpowering concern for me endearing?

No, I deserve something good. I need to allow a man in because being alone is getting old.

I called my mom on my way back to Missy’s house this morning. Nothing is more reassuring than talking to the person who knows me best. I wish it was Rylie at times, but I fear of her judgment if I told her the whole truth of my past. She may think I’m crazy.

It’s my mom who I rely on. I told her about the man I met and how much I already feel for him, as well as my nerves for not even knowing anything about him.

She told me sometimes it’s just that simple.

“Not all men will be like Grant, Alexa.”

She didn’t tell me that as if I didn’t already know but to reinforce the idea of me going out with Miles and finally moving on with my life. I almost backed out despite her encouragement. That’s why I forced myself out the door the moment I saw him pull up and nearly plowed into him.

“It’s nothing.” My smile is pure, but in my mind, I’m hoping he doesn’t push for more.

“Okay.” He breathes a sigh of relief, and so do I. “For a minute there, I thought you were on some sort of diet or some shit like that. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but I love to eat and …”

He looks so cute at this moment, with his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. “I am.” I nod in earnest. “The see food diet. I see it, I eat it.”

I’m gifted with a full-belly laugh. It warms me, and I find myself moving closer to him again.

“My kind of woman right here.” Throwing an arm around my shoulders, he feeds me once more.

A comfort settles over us, one I haven’t experienced in a long time. It pushes the worry away and eliminates the thoughts, making me believe this will be difficult and end badly for me and my heart.

“So tell me about Miles,” I hedge.

“Well”—he leans back as he gets comfortable—“Miles is the younger brother but far better looking of the two. He owns a cabin at the base of the mountain in the back of his family’s property where he plays video games. He co-owns a bar with his brother and works on his family’s ranch. And now, he really can’t wait to know everything about this beautiful blonde sitting before him.”

He makes me laugh, which I also find endearing.

“This blonde is just as interested in Miles and wants to know more too.” I move to keep close to his warmth.

“I like the sound of that.” Leaning forward once more, he pushes a lock of my hair behind my ear. “What do you do for a living?”

“Rylie and I just moved here, but I managed to get a position in a law office.” I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished.

“A lawyer?” I nod, and he whistles in return. “Beautiful, sweet,andsmart; looks like I hit the jackpot.”

“What about me? Bar owner, rancher, funny, and incredibly good-looking? I’d say I’ve done well too,” I tease right back.

“I guess we’re a good match then, aren’t we?” Once more, an arm is roped around my shoulders.

Here I go.

I’m diving into this because I really like him, and it’s time. Even if he isn’t my happily ever after, I need to start somewhere.

“I’d really like to find out more.”