Page 7 of Resisting Nature

Ignoring my overzealous other half, I pull us into the turnoff and help her get off the bike.

“Wow.” She spins around, and the wind blowing down the mountain plays with her hair. “It’s breathtaking.”

“Yeah, it sure is.” I’m not talking about the landscape before us. I’m focused on her leaning against the guardrail. Her back is bowed due to the low railing, and her ass is in my directline of sight. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to stride up right behind her, grab those round hips, and press myself into her.

When she stands up again, her smile is a blast to my heart when she turns it on me. Her hair falls like a curtain to one side of her head as she tilts it. She’s so natural.

I could be completely biased, thanks to how important she already is to me, but she’s unlike any other woman I’ve ever been with before. Her makeup is light, and she’s at ease, but my heightened senses don’t miss the slight scent of nerves swarming around her.

I can’t keep my hands to myself anymore.

The distance evaporates between us in three strides, and I have her in my arms. She flinches slightly, but I leave it alone. I don’t want her to know I sense it. Instead, I look down into her blue eyes. “Can I tell you something without freaking you out?”

She flinches again. I watch a guarded look glaze over her eyes, but again, I don’t play into it. “S-Sure.”

“I’m attracted to you. I was the moment I saw you last night.” Reaching up, I cup her face.

When you got a whiff of her, more like it.

“I feel an intense and instant connection with you, and I hope you feel it as well.” I know she does, but my voicing this now may put her at ease. “Don’t fight it.”

“I don’t know any other way,” she breathes out.

Dropping my head closer to hers, I whisper against her lips. “I won’t push you, but I’m going to kiss you.”

Chapter Four


Apprehension had me gripping Miles’s middle harder than necessary, but as I look down at the green spotting the landscape among the tan and light brown fields, I can breathe and relax. It’s stunning up here.

Rylie always told me her home was one place she could find natural beauty in every direction. Mine wasn’t too different, but I haven’t been able to go back.

She was absolutely right.

The mountains at my back seemed bluer than purple from a distance, but as we weaved our way closer, I took in the green of the pines and grasses. The air is cooler and far more refreshing up here than it felt in my lungs anywhere else.

And then there’s Miles. The moment his lips press against mine, it’s like life is finally restored to me. Restraints in my muscles as well as my mind are broken, and I’m free to enjoy this unbelievable connection with another person.

This is wonderful.

All too soon, Miles breaks our kiss and backs up to his bike, where he begins to pull things out and lay out a blanket in a little patch of trees that act as a natural barrier between the turnoff and the two-lane highway at our backs.

I’m left frozen in place as I watch him pull out food next. Our kiss was soul-searing. There’s no way I could describe it because I’m feeling more than I can think through. It reminds me of the night before and tells me it wasn’t a figment of my drunken imagination.

“Come here, beautiful.” Like a moth to a brilliant flame, I’m drawn to him. I don’t question it either, like I probably should be doing to safeguard not only my heart but also my well-being.

Our lunch is much larger than I expected a man to pack as he lays it out around us, and I’m instructed to sit down with him, between his spread legs no less. He is also much larger like this, yet fear doesn’t grip me. But it doesn’t stop me from thinking about how Grant was also massive, maybe a little more so.

No, don’t think of that prick.

He’s in the past where he belongs and can’t get me now.

The strong mountain wind comes down and wraps around us. It causes me to shiver enough for Miles to notice and pull me closer.

“This looks wonderful.” I keep the truth plaguing me to myself. I’m sure this is a typical Miles type of date, but I’ve never experienced this. All men … boys before Grant never thought about making anything special for me, and Grant, well, that isn’t worth the words to put into explaining.

“I’m glad you think so. I thought it was a great day for a ride and picnic.” Before I can reach out and grab a sandwich, Miles beats me to it. “Allow me.” A blush coats the apples of my cheeks as he brings the loaded sandwich to my lips, and I take a bite, my gaze never breaking from his.