Page 63 of Resisting Nature

Roper ended up taking her to his mom’s house and gave the order that Thea was not allowed to leave until he got back to deal with her. I don’t feel sorry for her. Thea is a grown-ass woman, and it’s time she finally realizes it.

“Oh, we’re going to get him, sir,” I confirm, confident that I’ll hunt to the ends of this world to get Alexa back. It’ll be bloodshed now.

“Good to hear. Jewel and I are about to hit the road. If Grant is stupid to come back this way, we’ll do our damnedest to catch him.” Teague snarls.

Yesterday, when I called, Teague was ready to get out here and join the search. It took my dad and Eric to convince him to stay there and attempt to get in touch with Grant’s pack. There isn’t a national registry for werewolves to know where every pack is, but it turned out far easier than we thought. His pack rolled over on Teague, exposed their underbelly, their one weakness to get rid of him. This is something not unheard of but unlikely. Our packs are our families. Much like natural wolves, we form connections and bonds with the members and will do anything in our power to protect each other.

But it has happened in the past to have a member being kicked out. Roper’s dad is an example in our pack. The bastard claimed Roper’s mom was his mate and then abused her and later Roper. The asshole left soon after Roper got bigger and stronger than him. No matter how bad the werewolf, he’d never hurt his mate.

Grant got the boot for similar reasons, along with running drugs and becoming a deranged serial killer thinking he was a hired gun.

His pack wasn’t the greatest or most law-abiding werewolves, but they drew the line when Grant started getting into heavier drugs. They shouldn’t affect us, but the massive dosages he was consuming multiple times a day made him irrational and too difficult to handle in any form, and he wouldn’t let go of the fact Alexa escaped him. She wasn’t his fated mate, but he wanted to keep her all the same.

What Teague got from Grant’s former alpha is he did anything and everything he could to find Alexa, and when he discovered she was pregnant and put the baby up for adoption, he lost his shit completely. And now we’re on our way to Idaho, trying to take the fastest route. Teague and Jewel had the information on where to find their grandson and his adoptive family.

If Grant is going anywhere, he’s headed there.

“No offense, but I’m hoping I’ll be the one to find him.” Teague says nothing, so I think it’s best to end the call to save on my phone’s battery. “Be safe on the road. I’ll keep you updated.”

“And I will as well. Thank you, Miles.” Hanging up, I fall back in my seat. Still unable to take a breath to ease the tension, I look in the back seat where Brandon fills it. After he finally shifted back, he quickly threw on some clothes and has been chewing at the bit since we left to shed some blood. Hence why he came with Mason and me.

We left a devastated Rylie at home to coordinate with Derek while Roper headed east on his own. My mom took Miranda and Archer off Rylie’s and Macy’s hands so the two women could help find Alexa.

While we guys are searching the fucking country, the women have turned scary calm after the initial reaction. Anna and Spence, who have been in Nepal for three weeks, werelanding in Billings when Derek called them. They are searching Montana to the best of their ability. Pearl, Derek’s grandma, and Brandon’s mom, Colette, are making sure everyone close to home stays fed.

The entire pack is working together to track down and save Alexa from Grant. Hell, even the Bighorns have joined in, expanding our resources far beyond anything we could imagine.

Brandon is relying on what I wrote down from my call with Teague to Rylie. He gave me the address, number, and names of little Teague’s adoptive parents as well as everything he had on Grant. It was his former pack who really pulled through for us. Make, model, license plate, and even his driver’s license number were all handed over with probably too much ease.

And now Rylie has it so she can hand it over to law enforcement statewide and the surrounding states.

“Hey, you good?” Glancing over at my older brother, I swear the three of us have aged twenty years in the past day.

“No, and I won’t be until I have her back and that fucker in the ground.”

“Hear, hear.” Brandon grunts before going back to listening to Rylie. “Ry says the area we’re headin’ to is the only place in the US where you can actually get away with murder.”


“Convenient. How does that work?” I’m curious. If I can get away with killing the fucker without any legal repercussions, I’m definitely ripping his goddamn throat out.

“She says there aren’t enough people in the area to call upon for a trial. So you’d walk.” He shrugs.

“Excellent.” I don’t like the idea of murdering someone, but Grant douche canoe Cole took my mate and is likely after her son while she’s carrying my baby. This goes against so many unspoken rules of our kind that he doesn’t deserve the right to breathe for another day.

“That’s all we have for now, Ry.” Brandon has managed to keep his cool through all the calls. Alexa may not be his, but she was taken on his watch. He was so pissed off he ended up calling Wyatt and getting his pack involved without waiting on Mason. Cutler promised he would be out to watch over Macy and Rylie while they worked and give Derek a break.

Rylie’s shout rings through all of us, nearly causing Mason to swerve off the road.

“What, Ry? What’s wrong?” There is no need for Brandon to relay her message since we can hear her clear as day.

“An Idaho state trooper just called in a report of a truck leaving a friend’s ranch. It matches Grant’s, and then he discovered his friend and his wife were murdered and their son missing.”

“Fuck!” My fist slams into the dashboard at the same time as Mason’s hits the steering wheel.

“Oh my God! Mason, floor it!” She doesn’t need to scream twice. I’m certain his foot would go through the floorboard if it meant he could go light speed.

I’m ready for this fight. It’s the fight of my life, and I’m willing to give it up if Alexa can be free from that monster.