Page 62 of Resisting Nature

I don’t know how much time passes as I stay there sobbing until there’s a rustling at the door. It swings open to reveal Grant. There’s blood splattered across his face, and a grim expression edged in crazy.

Gone is the resemblance to the man I once found bad boy charming and handsome. It has been replaced with a bald, tattoos wrapped around his neck, and hollow-eyed man who screams murderer.

Our eyes lock, and I wish they didn’t. I see anger blazing alongside determination in the depths of his dead gaze.

“What do you want with me?” My voice cracks and is far from the strength I need. I don’t have it in me to scold myself.

“You’re going to shut the fuck up and be a good little woman,” he growls. I can’t see his arms. I’m sure one is still holding the shotgun. If I charge him and get it— “We’re going somewhere no one will fucking bother us again and be a proper family.”


Before I can ask, he lifts a little boy, our—mylittle boy into the camper and slams the door shut behind him, sealing him inside with me.

“Oh my God, Teague.” Rushing, I get off the bed and over to him as he crumples to the floor, holding his stomach and crying. “Sweetheart.” I feel helpless to pull him to me due to my bondage. I do what I can and bring his face to mine. “It’s me.”

He looks at me, closely considering who I am.

“Teague, it’s me, Alexa.” My crying is back.

“Momma Alexa?” I break. I had no clue he was calling me that.

“Yes, sweetie. It’s me.” I try to pull him to me.

“Th-That m-man. H-he sh-shot my m-mom and d-dad.” He’s hyperventilating.

My heart breaks for him. “That man is a very bad person, Teague,” I tell him, trying to be brave for us both.

The three of us.

“Why d-did he do th-that?”

“Because he’s pure evil, but don’t worry. I’m going to find a way to get us out of here, and we’ll go somewhere he’ll never be able to find us.”

There’s no way I’m about to tell him who Grant is in relation to him.

No way in hell.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Somehow, I’ve managed to avoid breaking my phone. “Thanks, Teague. I’ll get this to the cops and let you know when I hear something.”

“Don’t mention it. I want to get this fucker as badly as you do.” Alexa’s dad growls in my ear. I made a phone call twenty-four hours ago. One I didn’t want to make but had no other choice. If anyone could help us find Grant and Alexa, it would be the two people who knew them together.

Needless to say, Teague was instantly pissed but not at me or my pack, but with himself. Even though none of us know exactly how Grant tracked her down, we do now. He met Thea after I rejected her and convinced her to help him out when he overheard her and claimed to be passing through. She was far too willing to hang on to every word he said and every plan he shared with her—which wasn’t a lot—just because he told her he was a werewolf and gave her attention.

That’s the fucking headache about Thea. She wants a werewolf so bad she doesn’t care what consequences she might stumble into.

Apparently, I’m quite the prize. If she helped him get Alexa, then I would be all hers.

Stupid, right?

Like I can just flip a damn switch like that, something she should know full well isn’t possible, but was too damn stubborn to realize she was being played.

God, the girl has issues.

Just realizing this now, dipshit?