Page 42 of Resisting Nature

I’m all too aware that she moved but haven’t been privy to many of the details. But I do know where she lives. What kind of mate would I be if I didn’t?

“I’m going to ignore that because you already know.” She gives me a pinched look. “Now go.”

I’m out the door and hopping into my Jeep to get to Alexa as quickly as I can. The roads are cleared between here and Fetterman, thanks to the heavy rain. By the time I make it to her new place, the lightning and thunder have gone and the rain has slowed.

Before I even go up to the door and see myself in, I walk around to try to pick up on any form of a scent. With the rain we had, it would be a miracle if I could. I’m on edge when I round the opposite side of the house and stop when I find a set of large footprints in the mud just below the window I’m assuming is into her living room.

“Who are you?” Bending down, I run my fingers along the outside of the print and bring it to my nose. All I pick up on is the scent of wet earth. “Fuck.”

Standing to my full height, I finally see myself into the house.

“Alexa? It’s me. Where are you, baby?” The door clicks behind me as I shut us in and lock it. Removing my muddy boots, I listen for her, but I can only pick up on the faint sound of sniffling and the scent of tears mixed with apples.

Sweet apples. I don’t think she’s ever smelled so sweet.

Something my dad once told me fizzles in the back of my mind, but her sniffling causes me to panic.

“Alexa?” I’m careful not to let myself get carried away and thunder through her tiny house, running the risk of scaring her more. “Baby, where are you?” Using my senses to locate her, I get to just outside her room and gently knock. “Alexa?”


Cracking the door, I slide in and shut it again. “Yeah, it’s me, baby.” Pulling my hoodie over my head, I drop it to the floor next to the door and carefully make my way over to her. “What’s going on?” I stop at the edge of her bed, where her lump is hidden under the blankets and pillows. “I just checked aroundthe house. No one is out there now, but there is a set of tracks.” I watch the lump tense with my enhanced sight.

I’m taking a risk with my next move, but everything in me tells me to pull her close. Getting on the bed, I make my move to rest next to her and wrap an arm around the Alexa-shaped mass.

“I’m here now, Alexa. You’re safe.” I don’t care how long I have to stay like this. If I have to, I will keep one arm propping up my head while the other rubs her back all night. I have to bite back a groan when she moves closer, and the overly sweet scent of her hits me. Something about it is different, but it still makes my dick hard.

It’s going to be a long night.

Worth it.

Chapter Twenty-Six


It wasn’t until Miles showed up, storming softly into my house, that I realized how worked up that flash of a shadow had me last night.

When I called Rylie, I was selfishly hoping she would be the one to drop everything and come to me. Sure, I should have called the police over my best friend, but I didn’t want to risk it being a neighbor. The one who freaks out over seeing someone in my yard because that’s what it had to be.

Just some random person.

It had to be that.

I had covered myself with my bedding and cried until Miles showed up. I hadn’t even realized he was here when a sense of calm overtook me. It didn’t stop the tears from falling or the overall fear from consuming me, but I felt … better. The true ease came when Miles, without a word, crawled into my bed and stayed beside me. Aside from him telling me it was okay and that I was safe, we were silent until I finally got a small amount of fitful sleep.

Every time I woke up, sometimes with a scream, he was there to hold me tight and whisper reassurances.

The need for protection came when he entered the house, likely with the key I gave Rylie yesterday, and called out to me. My dad couldn’t do any better than what Miles did just by entering. Holding Teague close like I did for the short time after he was born would have aided in calming myself, but I would have been worried about our safety.

Miles’s strong pressure on my back as he gently rubbed it soon had my sore eyes growing heavy. Wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and protection is where I stayed until panic had me waking with a start, and my stomach roiled and pitched so badly I rushed from my tiny bedroom and straight into the bathroom.

That’s it, I’m going to the doctor.

No more excuses or distractions.

“Well, this doesn’t look like the run-of-the-mill werewolf chest pains to me, Alexa.” I jump a mile at Rylie’s comment hitting me in the back before I feel her step into the room. It’s just as tiny, so it’s reasonable to feel another person barely a foot away.

“Wh-What are you doing here?” My voice echoes from the toilet bowl.