Page 35 of Regaining Integrity


I didn’t have sex last night.

It’s nearly disbelieving coming from me, but true. There has been a spring in my step since I woke up this morning.

Last night was pretty fucking amazing. I’m looking at it as a step in the right direction. I stayed the night with an incredibly beautiful woman and didn’t get my dick wet. I’m sure I made her wet because I was hard as stone after our kiss turned into a mini make-out session in her kitchen, but that was it.

I was all for us just talking and getting to know one another better. We watched a movie, and Angie leaned against me with a comfort I was surprised she was willing to give me so soon.

Not that I would ever complain about being her human pillow.

I put my arm around her and held her close until her head started to dip, and fatigue was about to claim her. I did another deed last night that was never in my playbook before I decided to grow up.

I put her to bed.

By herself.

I’m serious. I lifted her fine body and cradled it to my chest in order to put her in her own bed and away from me. I was cleaning up the mess I made and seeing myself out when Angie’s exhausted plea told me to stay. Ihadshared a bottle of wine with her, and she didn’t want me to drive.

I couldn’t bring myself to brush it off. I have had a whole hell of a lot more alcohol in my system before, so the little wine I drank didn’t bother it at all. Still, I stayed. I did clean up her kitchen, ran the dishwasher, and found where everything went when they were done, and then I folded my long body onto her couch with the blanket she had out there and went to sleep.

It wasn’t the most uncomfortable or the most cramped sleep I’ve had in my life. I shut down my mind like I did when I was overseas and just let sleep take me. I was content and feeling well rested when I woke this morning.

The sight I was greeted with made it insanely difficult not to be the old Chase. The sweatpants and shirt Angie wore last night were gone, leaving her in a sexy little number I don’t think she wanted me to see since she covered it up before I got into her apartment.

I couldn’tnottouch her. Her back was to me at the stove, humming to herself as she got her coffee pot ready to start brewing.

“You know,”I wrapped my arms around her, the heat of her skin radiating through the nearly sheer material.“If you bought one with a clock you could set it to be ready when you wake up.”

I was thrilled she didn’t stiffen at my touch.

“But the smell of coffee grounds helps me wake up as much as drinking the closest thing to perfection you can get in a cup,”she purred, and I nearly lost my restraints.

I forced myself to release my hold on her and helped her make something resembling breakfast. She didn’t quit surprising me by standing next to me making eggs while I made pancakes. If what I experienced this morning with Angie was something every couple did together, then I’m glad I’m ready for a change. It was amazing. Watching my parents as I grew up, I would have never known the balance they had between them.

Not until now.

The soothing feeling of making and eating breakfast with Angie made a believer out of me. And then I thought I ruined it all when I watched her fold her clothes. Those pencil skirts of hers reminded me of the comment I made to her about the naughty teacher fantasy.

“It’s Saturday and all, but I’d come in for weekend detention if you dressed up.”I waggled my brows at her only to have my face fall when she gave me a look that made me almost shit myself.

I started sweating profusely when she just stared and made me sweat it out until a breathtaking smile split across her face.“I’m not going to respond to that. But, I think you probably have work to do for your family and should get back to that.”

Though a little disappointed, I understood where she was coming from. So I didn’t put up an argumentmuch. I didn’t want to leave, but we’re still getting to know each other. Before I left, I made sure she knew I enjoyed last night and this morning with nothing else happening.

I’ve been quiet, reliving every moment I had from the time I arrived at her apartment up to when I left. And me being quiet is so far from normal that my family has taken notice and randomly checked on me.

My mom even forced me to take my temperature.

Even now, well into the late afternoon, I remain mostly silent, and Will has decided to turn his mind tricks on me.

Apparently, my older brother is under the impression I’m plotting something against him with my silence. I havenoclue why he would think that. You do one little thing to a man when you’re ten, and you end up leaving him scarred for life and making him extremely mistrusting of you from then on.

And his grinning is pushing me to the edge and driving me crazy.

“What the hell is your deal?” I drop my tools and cross my arms.

“Why?” His smile is really bothering me.