“I’m not sure how this is going to work really. But I’m willing to try if you are. I’m supposed to go for another appointment next week. I’ll text you the details.”

I sit up straighter, another appointment? “I would like that, thank you.”

We make small talk for the next few minutes. She asks about Andrea and Alex, and if I’m planning to tell them.

“Yes, like I said, I want to be very involved in my–ourkids’ lives– from right now to their infancy, and so on and so forth. Of course, they’ll need to know. So will Mom and Dad.”

“You’re telling Martha and John?” she squeaks out, eyes going wide.

“Of course, this will be their first grandbabies.” I smile, imagining their reactions. Mom will be very happy, no doubt about that. She’s been nagging Alex about settling down for a while now because, according to her, she isn’t getting any younger. Dad will be smug. Because I was fucking pissed at him at first when I learned about the arranged marriage between Charlie and me. He’ll go all, ‘You see, Ezra, I know best’.

“Yeah, true. You’re right.” Her brows furrow, and she knits her fingers tightly. “I’m going to have to meet them again, right?”

I shift, placing a hand over hers. My hand engulfs both of hers, and I stare at them, enchanted by the vast difference. I gulp and shake my head, trying to remember why I had reached for her in the first place, then questioning why I hadn’t been holding her hand this entire time. “You’ll be fine. My parents love you.” Which is true enough.

She nods slowly to affirm, “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Have you told your mom?” I ask.

“Not yet.” She shakes her head slowly. “I have to do that soon, though, before I really start showing.”

My gaze moves to her belly. Would it be weird if I asked to see her stomach? It looks pretty flat from here, but that dress is loose, so I can’t really tell. “Do you want me to be there with you when you break the news?”

“You would do that?” She smiles. “Thanks, but it’s not necessary. She might want to have dinner with you at a later time, though.”

I squeeze her hand gently, “That’s fine. Let me know the details.”

“I will.” She double taps the screen of her phone. “Oh look at the time, I have to go.” She stands up from her chair, and I follow suit. The walk to her car is quiet. I frown as I take in the tiny vehicle.

“You don’t plan on driving this for much longer do you?” I ask as I get the door for her. My heart stumbles when she glances at me; for a moment our lips are kissably close. My gaze falls onto her pink lips, and I lick mine hungrily.

She quickly arranges herself in the driver’s seat. “Guess not. But I plan on enjoying the car as long as I can. Pretty soon I won’t be able to fit in.” She chuckles, and I grin back.

“You have my number. Text me when you get home.” I put my info into her phone after she had sent the video to me. I texted myself from her phone to have her personal number.

“Will do,” she promises.

“Drive safe.” I wave as she drives off; somehow, it feels like she’s driving off with my heart in the palms of her hand. For the first time in my life, I’m at my most vulnerable. It isn’t until I’m in my office that I realize that I haven’t gotten to Massimo’s task on my burner phone.

I curse as I walk out of my office, ignoring Lisa’s judgmental stare. I might not spend as much time in the office as Alex does, but I get the job done, damn it, so she can fuck right off with her condemning glares.

I tap the steering wheel as I drive to my house at the edge of the town. I really, really need to get out of the Moratti’s organization. I’ve had that thought in the back of my head for years, but my research never amounted to anything promising.Everyone knows that once you’re in the mafia, you’re in for life. The only way out is in a body bag.

I’m Ezra Beaufort the II, damn it. If I set my mind to a challenge, it’s fifty percent solved already. I just need to change tactics. Change the angle I’m looking at the problem from. There’s got to be a loophole somewhere…there has to be.

What I’m not going to do is remain in the organization with kids. I see what the guys with family go through. Best case scenario, a loved one gets kidnapped. I don’t even want to think about the worst case. The Moratti family has a code: no hurting women or children, but, of course, not every mob family has this basic sense of decency. Anyone is fair game as long as it’s someone you love enough to be used as either leverage or for revenge.

La Fiamma has made a lot of enemies over the years. I know a lot of folks have looked into my alter ego and have come up empty handed. They’re yet to find anyone that can be used against me, because La Fiamma doesn’t really exist. But just the thought of my kids in the hands of one of those fuckers drives me out of my mind…and they haven’t even been born yet. Don’t even get me started on Charlie. I’d sooner die than see them lay their grimy paws on her.

As far as I know, there’s no evidence connecting La Fiamma of Providence to Ezra Beaufort of Brattleboro, but I’m not just going to leave it to chance. Mistakes happen. Why put my kids at risk when I can do the opposite?

I pull into my garage and get out. In the truck, I peel back the leather of the steering wheel and take my burner phone out of the hidden compartment. I read my assignment with a sigh. I want to get out, Ineedto; but right now, I have to keep up appearances and get to this assignment.

In the morning, I’ll try to figure a way out of my predicament. There has to be one, even if it means under handing the manhimself. I’ll take out Moratti if I have to; if it comes to choosing between him and my family, there’s no contest.