How goes the process for the permit?

Massimo Moratti’s legal business in Providence is Moor Corporation, a dealer in production of automotive parts and construction materials that assemble transportation vehicles such as RVs, as well as equipment to make floors, doors, and roofs.

The texthe just sent is a code. That is, he has sent an assignment to my burner phone, which I probably need to get to soon. I sigh as I reply.


On it.

I try as muchas possible not to leave any trails between me and the mob in Providence; so whenever the two of us are in touch on our direct lines, we keep it related to our legal businesses. We can’t be too careful.

I glanceat the proposal on my desk sent by the foreman we’re working with on a downtown project. I was hoping to finish reading it and give my reply before lunch, but it might have to wait. This is why my family thinks I’m unreliable; and it kills me to leave work here half done. One day, I’ll prove to them that I can handle responsibility, but I need to be alive to do that. So, being Moratti’s bitch boy it is.

The intercomon my desk comes on, followed by Lisa’s grumpy voice, “You have a visitor, Mr. Beaufort.”

I frown,and pick up my phone for a quick check of my calendar. “I don’t have any meetings scheduled until after lunch,” I remind her.

“I know.I told her to make an appointment but she’s insisting you’ll want to see her.” Lisa sounds put out.

“Listen,I don’t care how insistent or persistent she is. I don’t have time to see anyone right now. Whoever it is can make an appointment like everyone else.”

“Ezra, it’s me.”

I pausewhen that familiar voice comes over the speaker, my pulse picks up. What’s she doing here? “Send her in, Lisa.”

I situp straighter in my chair and adjust the cuff of my shirt. The door to my office opens, and there she is. The object of my desires and the star of many a jerking off session. Charlotte fuckin’ Square.

She’s wearinga flirty pink dress that sets off her radiant skin. Her hair is down the way I like, and my gaze lingers on the burst of colors streaking the front strands of her hair.

My gaze movesup to her eyes, my breath catching in my throat. I have to take a deep breath to keep my breathing steady. Those fucking beautiful eyes are my weakness. I stand up when she walks in.

“Hello, Charlie.”I give her a charming smile. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” I point at the pair of chairs in front of my desk as I ask the question. I never thought I’d see her in my office. She doesn’t look dressed for business, which has my mind wandering to all kinds of inappropriate conclusions.

She fiddleswith her fingers as she shuffles on her feet, hesitating to take the chair I have offered. I frown, sensing that something is wrong. I know our companies have gone ahead with the partnership signed a couple of months ago and construction of the Beaufort office in Burlington has even started. So, the problem can’t possibly be related to business. If it were, she would have gone straight to Alex who has been her point of contact in the deal, and not me.

“We need to talk, Ezra,”she says quietly.

I grabmy jacket from the back of my chair. “Come on, we can get coffee and talk,” I say because it’s just past ten am – too early for lunch and too late for breakfast.

“No, stop, listen. I’m pregnant,”she rushes out.

I stop in my stride,my frown deepening. “You’re pregnant? Is that a new constellation thing or–wait–you are pregnant...” My lips part, my jacket slipping from my fingers. What does she mean she’s pregnant?

She dropsher gaze to the floor. “Yeah, I’m pregnant.” She shifts on her feet again. “And It’s yours.”

Her soft spokenwords land a blow. I take a step back in denial. No. it can’t be. My eyes drop to her stomach, but it looks the same. She can’t be…I can’t…we can’t. I shake my head as I take another step back.

“How?”I ask, still shaking my head.

She glares at me,crossing her arms over her chest, the first sign of her usual feistiness since she had entered my office. “What do you mean, how? We had unprotected sex, Ezra. You deposited your sperm inside me, several times, in fact, over the course of that night.”

I swallow.It was a stupid question. Of course, I know how. “You said there was a solution. You said it was okay!” I don’t mean to raise my voice; but fuck, I’m not in control of my emotions. I’m discombobulated. My thoughts are all jumbled up, and I don’t comprehend what she’s telling me.

“Look,I’m not here to tell you to take responsibility or anything like that. I just thought you should know.” She rolls her eyes impatiently, not impressed by my reaction.

My gaze honesin on her stomach again. My baby is in there. “You’re keeping it?” She flinches with a loud gasp like I had just made the most blasphemous statement.