“Do you have condoms here?” I ask, needing to be the voice of reason even though I can’t imagine a barrier between us now that I’ve experienced what it’s like to have all of him.

He frowns, taking a step back, his shoulders slumping. “I don’t.”

I gape at him, “How can the ‘Number One Most Eligible Bachelor Unlikely to Settle Down’ not have a condom in his house?”

His eyes flash in amusement, “I see you’ve been reading the articles about me.” I shrug, not willing to take the bait, I know he’s been keeping tabs on me too; he’s not nearly as stealthy as he thinks he is. “I don’t have any because I’ve never brought anyone here. This is my sanctuary.”

My eyes search his, wondering why he had brought me here. My head swells a little as I think maybe I am special to him. Then I remember the garage and the hail storm, that’s probably it. “Even if we use a condom now, I’ll still have to take the pill tomorrow” I say as I saunter over to him. “So we might as well just indulge ourselves, just this once.”

Ezra’s eyes darken and he smiles devilishly, God, he has the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. When it’s genuine–and I can always tell with him if it’s not–it reaches every corner of his face; his eyes crinkle at the corners, his cheeks dimple, and the little divot in his chin becomes pronounced.

I decide right then and there that I’m going to run my tongue over that spot the next time he smiles, I’m leaving no stone left unturned. Before the night is over, we’ll both have tasted every square inch of each other’s bodies, and that’s a personal guarantee.

“That’s true.” He starts to walk toward me, closing the distance between us painfully slowly. Once he finally reaches me, I stand with my arms at my sides, leaving the next move up to him. He reaches one hand up to my face and oh so gently brushes my hair over my shoulder before his lips graze my ear. “What should we try next?” he whispers.

I rise on my toes and run my tongue along his jaw. “I’ve decided I am hungry after all” I answer.

“Yeah? What for?”

I look up at him through my lashes as I run a hand slowly down his body. When I reach my destination, I grip his hard length in one hand, making him jolt. His eyes narrow and he gifts me another one of his panty-dropping smiles. I take my opportunity, flicking my tongue over the dimple in his chin and then grab his bottom lip between my teeth, earning an anticipatory groan that rumbles his chest. Eyes still locked on his, I lower myself down to my knees.

“Something tells me, you’re going to be the death of me, Ms. Square.”



Iwake up alone. I roll toward Ezra’s side of the bed and run my hand down the sheets. They’re cool to the touch; he must have gotten up a while ago. I roll to my back and stare blankly at the ceiling as images from last night play over in my mind. It was as hot, no, infinitely hotter than I ever fantasized sex with Ezra would be.

After that first time, we took a shower, separately, then met in the kitchen to talk over a bowl of stale frosted flakes with questionable milk. Maybe it was the company, or our appetites were piqued from the previous hour’s activity, but it tasted heavenly. I can’t believe this grown ass man only has milk and a chunk of meat in his fridge. He did say he doesn’t really live here. He only comes here to unwind.

What does it mean that he brought me to what he calls his “sanctuary”? I sigh dreamily, then shake my head. Don’t go building something in your head that isn’t there, Charlie. Call it what it is, a one-night stand.I’ve been thinking of all the ways I’m going to fuck you out of my system, once and for all. His exact words last night. Meaning, this is it. We both got what we wanted, now we can move on.

Not to mention that he’s a Leo. I mean, of course he is; he’s charming and has an irresistibly magnetic personality.Traits I like to think we share, I think to myself and mentally pat myself on the back. Which is exactly the problem: it could never work. My birthday is August twenty-fifth, so I’m a Leo too, I know our downfalls. I can’t even imagine the carnage if the two of us were together. Leo’s love hard and tend to be a little on the jealous side…possessive some might say.

They say opposites attract…well, similarities mutually combust. It’s hard to love someone who shares the same qualities you struggle with yourself. It’s hard enough having a twin sister to share the Leo title. I can’t imagine there being three of us.

My sigh is less dreamy this time, and I reluctantly get out of bed. Ella is probably worried about me. In all the excitement last night, I forgot to text her that I wasn’t coming home.

I pad softly to the ensuite and take a quick shower. I see my clothes neatly folded on top of the vanity. I lift up my blouse to sniff it, and my underwear falls to the floor. I bend to pick it up. They’ve been washed. And there’s a pair of Ezra’s lounge shorts added to the pile since my skirt is obviously out of the question. Thoughtful of him, but I have a change of clothes in my trunk.

I get dressed in record time, throwing on the huge shorts so I can run to my car and wonder where the man himself is. As I comb my fingers through my hair to detangle it in front of the mirror, I pause to stare at my eyes.The point where the ocean kisses the shore.Ezra whispered that to me during one of our more passionate sessions last night.

I smile at my reflection as I admire my eyes. Growing up the kids always made fun of me over my different colored eyes. Well, that and my nerdiness. I always thought of myself as weird, anyway; it’s not a bad thing. But why didn’t my twin sister also get this condition? We’re identical in every way except that.

I weave my hair into two simple braids that make me look younger than my twenty-three years. Quite a contrast from the professional woman I was yesterday. I turn from my reflection and make my way out of the bathroom. Still no sign of Ezra.

I open the door quietly and glance down both sides of the hallway, trying to remember which way leads to the stairs. I choose the left and slowly pad down the hall, but it leads to a dead end. I turn to go back in the direction I came when I hear the low sound of a phone ringing. Ezra? I glance at the closed door where the sound seems to be coming from.

“It’s too early for you to be calling me.” Ezra’s voice is hard, and I frown. “Are you sure the kid won’t be there this time? I don’t mess with kids.”

My frown deepens as I wonder what he’s talking about. I should leave. It’s rude to eavesdrop, I know this; yet I can’t bring myself to move.

“Goddammit, Massimo, does the kid at least have a mother? Someone to take care of her when her father is gone? You’re sure? Whatever. The roads are probably closed right now because of the storm last night so it might take me a few hours. Make sure she’ll be gone–yeah, okay– and I’ll let you know when it's done.”

The conversation seems to be dwindling down. My heart in my throat, I rush back to his room, where I take several deep breaths to calm myself. I heard the conversation out of context, so I don’t know what he was really talking about. Could be a conversation between him and one of his contractors about a sick employee; yes, that’s most likely it. I latch onto the thought and nod to myself.

Feeling ready to face him, I twist the door handle to open it and jump back with a short squeal when I see Ezra on the other side. He raises a brow and asks, “You good?”