Page 45 of Ruthless Desire

Dropping to his knees, Chase released the gun and sobbed uncontrollably at my feet. “I’m so sorry,” he spat out between tears.

Throwing the gun onto the bed, I fell to Chase and held him in my arms as he cried. I allowed his years of anger, frustration, and hurt to spill out all over me. He needed this release just like I had before. He had held me while I cried, and it was my turn to do the same for him.

“Forgive me,” Chase whimpered, as my arms tucked around his neck.

“Always.” I smiled through my tears at him.

Placing a soft kiss on his cheek, I held him until he fell asleep in my arms.

Hours later, I awoke with Chase lying next to me on the floor. His deep breathing and restful face reminded me that we weren’t out of the danger zone yet. We still had so much to overcome but together, we could fight any battle we faced.

I ran my hands across his face and watched him sleep a little while longer until he stirred under my touch. “Lizzie?” Chase asked, as his eyes opened, and he saw me hovering above him. “You’re still here.”

Nodding, I smiled. “Yes, I’m still here.”

“I thought you would have left,” he admitted. I could see the humiliation he faced, and I didn’t want him to feel that way.

“I couldn’t leave you,” I sighed, as I kissed his forehead.

“Why are you so good to me? After everything I’ve done… you could have left me.”

“You’re right. I could have left you, but I didn’t. Chase, what we have might not make sense to a lot of people. But it’s right for us,” I said.

Reaching up, Chase kissed my lips sweetly. After a while, we managed to get up off the ground. I was sure Avery and Jax were worried sick about us. I had locked them out, and they deserved to know what was going on. As I opened the hotel room door, I was astonished to see Avery and Jax sleeping next to one another right outside the door. They must have camped out there all night, waiting to see if we were safe.

Stepping over them, I grabbed Chase’s hands. “Let’s give them some privacy.” I giggled.

“Did they sleep out here all night?” Chase asked.

“I guess they did. They were really worried about you. Chase, we have great friends,” I admitted as I turned to look at my best friend.

“Jax really likes Avery,” Chase said.

“She likes him too.” I giggled.

Squeezing me tight, Chase snuggled his nose against my hair. “Thank you for coming back and saving me.” He sighed.

Looking up, I smiled. “Chase, you saved me first. I just showed up at the right time.”

And with that, we made our way up to my room where we slept for over twelve hours.


Six months had passed since the night I almost lost Chase forever. We had talked several times and after my pleading, Chase finally agreed to go to therapy for his anger management and to deal with all the shit that happened to him in his life. Knowing I too had baggage I needed to address, I agreed to see a separate therapist.

So far so good. We were both keeping up with our work schedules, I was doing great at school, Jax and Avery were really hitting it off and had gone on a few dates, and Chase and I were working through our personal issues. More importantly, I noticed how calm Chase had become in the last few weeks.

He was no longer tense and angry all the time. Instead, he was reminded daily that I loved him and wasn’t going anywhere. I had even finally moved into our house, with Avery too of course.

I hadn’t heard from Allan anymore, and I was eternally grateful for him keeping my secret. My life was becoming my own, and I couldn’t have been happier.

“Hurry up, Lizzie. The guys are waiting,” Avery chimed, as I got out of her car.

With money from working and not having to worry about rent, Avery was able to purchase a black Toyota Camry. I was sitting in the passenger seat, admiring my new home. I loved the gray cobblestone entrance and the black front door. The house was lit up by beautiful lights, and I felt like it was a showpiece for everyone to see just how magical my relationship with Chase was.

“I’m coming,” I said, as I stepped out of the car and led the way up to our cement pathway. We walked through the house, but I didn’t see the guys anywhere.

Walking behind me, Avery looked around, too. “I wonder where they are. Maybe they’re on the back patio,” she suggested, as she pointed to the back doors.