Page 29 of Ruthless Desire

Shouting a few curse words, Chase raced to meet my climax as he continued to pump his hips against my rocking body. Finally, he called out one last time as he too found pleasure.

Rolling off him, I struggled to catch my breath. That was the hottest thing I had ever done, and we both still had our clothes on.

“Wow,” Chase breathed, as he looked over at me.

“I know,” I giggled, as my chest heaved up and down.

“If we can get that turned on and worked up with just touching, I can’t even imagine what sleeping with you’ll feel like,” Chase said, fantasizing.

Smiling, I leaned over and placed one last kiss on his lips. “Don’t worry, baby. I promise that you won’t have to wait too long.”

“Do I have to go to school?” I mumbled, as my alarm continued to blare beside my bed.

Rolling over, I winced as sunlight struck me blind as I fought to turn off the pesky sound.

“Shut that thing up,” Avery yelled from her bed.

We both began classes today, and neither of us was excited about the eight-a.m. wake-up call after working until one this morning. Jim might be giving us a free place to stay, but he doesn’t seem to understand the importance of getting a good night’s rest before school. Even though Chase and I had spent the entire weekend in bed, I was exhausted. We had found morethan one way to explore each other’s bodies and help the other find pleasure in creative ways. He still didn’t pressure me to have sex, but I knew it was only a matter of time before I would give in. I wanted him badly, but my virginity was the last aspect of my life I had control over, and I needed that if only for a little bit longer.

Rolling out of bed, I stumbled to our bathroom where I quickly showered and dressed in a comfortable pair of black yoga pants and a form-fitting red sports top. After pulling my hair up into a high ponytail, I exited the small room to see Avery dressed in tight jeans and a halter top.

A knock pounded on our door, and both Avery and I eyed each other carefully. Neither of us was expecting someone so early, and my stomach instantly dropped.

“Hello?” Avery called, as she stood next to the door.

“Is Lizzie still here?” Chase asked from the other side.

Smiling, Avery moved away and allowed me to step in and open the door. Standing before me was Chase looking delicious in a pair of tight jeans and a gray hooded sweatshirt. He was holding a small black bag in his hands, and I wanted to melt away just looking at him.

“Hey,” I said, as I motioned for him to come in. “I was just getting ready to leave for class,” I said.

Stepping inside our room, Chase didn’t take his eyes off me. “Lizzie, I’ll meet you down in the lobby,” Avery said with a wink as she walked between us and then closed the door behind her.

Looking around, I watched as Chase just stood there. “I don’t want to keep you. I know you have to get to class, but I got you something,” he said, as he handed me the bag.

Shocked, I wasn’t sure what to say. No one ever bought me anything. “Wow, I don’t know what to say,” I admitted, as I took the bag.

Looking inside, I saw a sleek cell phone. “What’s this?” I asked, with uncertainty.

“I hate that you don’t have a phone. You need one for when you’re out or if you’re here alone and something bad happens. It isn't safe to not have a way to call 911 or get a hold of someone,” Chase finished, as he reached into the bag and pulled the phone out for me. “I programmed my number into it so you can call me whenever you need to,” he finished.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I said.

“Yes, I did. You’re important to me, and I want to talk to you and send you texts or pictures. You need this,” he said, as he pushed the phone into my hands.

Leaning in, I gently kissed Chase’s cheek. This was so sweet, and I wasn’t sure what the appropriate response was, but I wanted him to know how much I appreciated the gift.

Pulling me into him, Chase placed his lips on mine and gave me a kiss that took my breath away. I swear I felt my legs go weak as he held me.

“You’re too good to me,” I said, as I hugged him.

“I could never be as good as you deserve,” Chase said, as his eyes drifted away from mine.

I hated that longing look he had that made me see how tortured he really was deep down under the sexy facade. I wanted nothing more than to erase that look and make him smile all the time.

“Don’t say that,” I began. “You’re amazing, and you don’t give yourself enough credit. If we’re going to make this work, then I need you to understand and to see what I see in you,” I said, as I placed my hands on his face and forced him to look at me.

I needed him to see what I was feeling. I needed him to see the admiration I had for him. I couldn’t understand how anyone could be cruel or unkind to him; he was beautiful, sweet, and caring. I hated anyone who had ever hurt him before in his lifeand who had been responsible for the walls and hatred he had built for himself. I knew that on top of my dreams and goals, I had to make it my mission to prove to Spencer Chase that he was more than just a fighter. He didn’t need to fight anymore. I would win him over and together, we could be champions.