Page 40 of Ruthless Desire

Racing toward the back exit, I pushed people out of my way and dodged everything in my path. With Avery closely behind me, we ran recklessly from our past and the horrible idea that if Allan found me, he could disclose my secret, and everything I had worked so hard for would come crashing down on me.

“Lizzie!” Chase called, as he raced toward me.

This was all too much. Two very different men, both who meant two very different things in my life and heart, called forme. The exit was so far, yet so close, and I wanted nothing more than to become invisible.

Finally catching me, Chase grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. “What’s wrong, Lizzie? What happened?” he asked, as his body grew tense, and his eyes wandered around the room. It was clear he was looking for a culprit to blame for my tears and fear.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t form the words to say. Running up to us, Avery was out of breath but was able to speak the words I couldn’t. “Chase, there’s someone here who knows us. We need to get Lizzie out of here now,” she said, as she looked back behind them.

Pulling me to him, Chase tried to console me as he pulled out his phone and dialed Jax’s number. I tried to struggle and get away from his grasp, but Chase wouldn't let go. I needed to keep running, to get away from Allan. Instead, Chase’s refusal to let me go would cause Allan to catch up with us. As much as I wanted to believe that Chase could protect me from anything, he was just about to cause me more harm than he could ever imagine.

“Jax, I need you to get down here now. I’m in the casino near the bar,” Chase spoke rapidly into the phone. He said a few more words and hung up.

“Elizabeth. Why are you running? Is that really you?” Allan asked, as he made his way to us.

Stepping between us, Chase became a shield, protecting my past from my present.

I couldn’t look at Allan. I couldn’t face what I had done and what Allan finding me here and alive could mean for my life now.

“Allan, I need you to leave. I’ll explain everything, but let's get out of here,” Avery said, as she stepped around me and tried to interfere.

“No, Avery. I thought my girlfriend died three years ago. Now, as I’m standing here in this casino, I see her plain as day. Someone needs to tell me what the hell is going on,” Allan demanded.

Images of his angry and nasty tone played through my mind. He never loved me the way he swore he did. Instead, he loved the idea of us.

“Back up,” Chase stated, through gritted teeth.

“Who the hell are you?” Allan asked, clearly not seeing the anger boiling inside Chase.

“I’m the guy who is about to kick your ass if you don’t get away from my girl,” Chase growled again. He stepped closer to Allan and forced his chest against Allan’s.

“Stop!” I cried out, finally finding a voice. “Allan, I’ll explain this to you. Just please go wait in the bar,” I pleaded as I pointed to the bar across the room.

“No!” Chase yelled, as he pushed me back and away from Allan. “You’re not going anywhere with him,” he stated with menacing words.

“Elizabeth, are you really going to let this guy talk to you like that?” Allan asked, as he looked at me with pity in his eyes.

I hated the look he was giving me. I despised what that look meant. I was brought back to the same girl who didn’t have a voice or opinion and who wasn’t who I would be anymore.

“Chase, I love you, but I’m going to do this,” I said, as I removed his arm from around my body.

Stunned, Chase looked down at his empty arms before tearing his gaze back up to my face. Pain seared across his features as I told him he couldn’t control this part of my life.

“Chase, come with me. We’ll sit with Jax and watch them,” Avery whispered to Chase.

Chase only stood with his fists clenched at his sides as he looked between Allan and me. “Lizzie, what are you going to do?” Chase asked again, as his eyes bore into me.

“I’m going to talk to Allan,” I stuttered, as I struggled to remain calm.

What I wanted to do was jump into Chase’s arms and have him take me away from here. I wanted to lock myself up in our own little world where no one else existed except the two of us. However, I knew that dream could never become my reality unless I found closure with my past.

Huffing, Chase followed Avery as Jax made his way off the elevator. I watched as the three exchanged words and then found a table in the back of the bar. I knew what I was about to do was dangerous and could ruin everything I had worked so hard to maintain.

“Follow me,” I said, as I led Allan into the bar.

He still looked confused, like he had literally seen a ghost, but he did oblige.

As we sat, Allan finally gave in and exploded, “Elizabeth, enough with this game. I demand to know why I’m sitting here with you right now. What happened the night of the fire?”