Page 39 of Ruthless Desire

“Okay,” she said, as she clapped her hands together. “When would you like to look? I have some great apartments, townhomes, and houses I can show you,” she said.

“I can meet anytime, “Chase said, glancing at me. “Just make the appointment with Lizzie.”

“Can you give us some brochures or information to look at first? I don’t know what I want,” I admitted.

“Sure,” Brenda said, as she reached into her desk and handed me a pile of papers. “Each of these folders has links to some of our most elite and exclusive homes in the area. Review them and then email me with what you like, and I’ll set up a private appointment,” Brenda finished as I took the folders.

Feeling dizzy and overwhelmed, we left the office with homework. I was nervous and excited but not sure about rushing into living together.

“Is something wrong?” Chase asked, as he noticed my far-away stare.

“I just want to make sure we’re making the right decision,” I said. “Living together is a big step,” I finished.

“Yes, it’s a big step. But we’re ready. If you don’t feel comfortable living with me, you and Avery can move into the place until you’re ready for me to as well. I just want you out of the casino. You shouldn’t call that place home,” Chase said, as he opened my car door for me.

As I got into the car, I felt worse than I did before. Now, guilt took over. I didn’t want Chase to feel like he had to buy me a home and not be able to live in it, too. “Chase, I don’t want to live where you aren’t. I just don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.”

“That’s crazy. I’m not pressured. I want to be with you all the time. I need you near me. If you’re in our home, I’ll know you’re safe.”

I decided not to argue anymore. When Chase made up his mind, that was all there was to it. I knew he was right. Living together in the safety of a home was where I should be instead of calling a casino hotel room home.

Three weeks and about a hundred showings later, I finally settled on a nice two-story house nestled in a quiet suburban neighborhood. We had a small yard space that contained only plants, but it had a large, covered patio perfect for when we wanted to sit out at night and watch the stars. My favorite part of the house was the study that Chase said could be for me to study for school. He had even purchased a new, sleek office desk for me to work on as I completed my graphic design assignments. I hated that he kept buying me gifts, but it seemed to make Chase happy to see me get things.

Chase moved his things in first. After a few very long conversations, Chase agreed to stay in our new home for a while, and I would move in next month. He wasn’t happy about the arrangement, but he knew I needed time to gather the few items I had and find a way to be comfortable relying on him.

Besides, he only stayed there a few nights a week. And that was only because I begged him to do so. He still kept his room at the hotel and every night after our shifts were over, Chase would lie with me until I fell asleep. Sometime during the night, he would escape up to his room or if it weren’t too late, to our new house.

Avery was thrilled that I was moving out. I guess I should have been upset, but I knew she was just happy for me. Chase had even agreed to allow her to live in the guest room too when I would move in. I couldn’t let go of Avery; she had given up so much for me. I needed her too, just as much as I needed Chase.

With a new house, a wonderful relationship, and a best friend who I could finally help now, I finally felt like my life was coming together. Little did I know everything was about to come crashing down.


“What time does the movie start?” Avery asked, as she checked the time on her phone.

Looking around the casino lobby, I searched the crowds for Chase and Jax. We had made plans to see a new comedy movie playing at a local theater. Jax and Chase were scheduled to get off at seven, and the movie started at seven-thirty, so we would have to hurry.

“Don’t worry, it’s only one minute after seven,” I said.

Checking ourselves in a large mirror, I smiled at my outfit. Avery had dressed me in a cute pair of skinny jeans and a shimmering black top. She was wearing a cute jean skirt and a pink off-the-shoulder, loose-fitting shirt.

Standing there looking for our guys, I couldn’t help but think maybe tonight would be the night Chase and I explored more of one another’s bodies. It was time for me to give him more of myself.

Without warning, a sound cut through me like a knife, and I internally cringed.

“Elizabeth?” a familiar voice rang out, as I stepped into the casino.

Oh no, I thought as my body froze. I knew that voice. I had left that voice behind. Allan, my boyfriend who still thought I had died the night of the fire was screaming my name as I now stood unable to move or react. Everything had been so smooth and perfect; I should have seen this coming. My mind should have predicted what happened next. Life wasn’t supposed to work out the way I wanted it to. Everything I had endured up until this point should have taught me never to let my guard down. Happiness just wasn’t in the cards for me, and I was foolish to believe otherwise.

Seeing my scared expression, Avery turned my way. “Are you all right?” she asked.

Speechless, I pointed my finger to Allan who was now trying to fight his way through the crowd to get to me.

“Elizabeth!” he yelled again. This time, his voice was louder and had more anger lacing each syllable of my name.

“Oh shit, is that Allan?” Avery asked, as the fear and terror finally found their way to her heart.

“Yes,” I whimpered, as I felt tears breaking free. As the wet drops rolled down my cheeks, my fight or flight instinct took over. “I have to get out of here,” I cried, as my legs found a way to move again.