Page 30 of Ruthless Desire

As my words finally sank in, Chase’s eyes seemed to glaze over. He looked at me with wonderment like he didn’t know how to respond. And that was okay. I didn’t need him to say anything. I just needed him to believe that my words were true.

Hooking his arm around my neck, Chase pulled me close. “Let me take you and Avery to school today,” Chase demanded, more than asked.

I knew with him, there was no arguing. “Lead the way,” I said, as I pointed toward the door.

“I can get used to this,” Avery said, as she waved to Chase as he sped away from campus.

After he had dropped us off in front of the school, Chase opened my door and gave me a heart-stopping kiss before telling me he would be back to pick me up when I got out of class. I had given him my class schedule, and he said he would tell Jim he would just have to work around it. I didn’t argue but accepted the ride and the benefit of getting to spend more time with Spencer Chase.

Avery and I went to our classes and then as promised, Chase picked us up when we were done. As Avery’s words rang through my ears, I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could let myself get used to this kind of treatment.



Watching Lizzie walk to her class gave me a strange feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment. Something about the way her face lit up as she talked about going to class and what this degree could hold for her future, made me want to help her get there.

I had decided that my life was forever changed now that I had Lizzie. She was a ray of sunshine in a world full of darkness. For someone like me who had never experienced light before, I was slowly getting used to this warm feeling of happiness. Even though it was an odd and foreign emotion, I craved it anyway.

My next step would be to get her to trust me more. I knew she cared for me and trusted me, but she was still guarded. I guess I was too.

“What are you doing?” Jax asked, as he slapped me on my back.

I had been sitting outside of Jim’s office, waiting to talk with him, when Jax approached. I had been so lost in my own thoughts, I hadn’t even seen him coming.

“I’m waiting to talk to Jim,” I said, as I watched the door to Jim’s office carefully.

“What about?” Jax asked.

I raised my brows at him. Normally, Jax wasn’t so intrusive but since he noticed my infatuation with Lizzie and how my personality had changed, he had been braver with asking me questions.

“Well, I guess it’s none of your damn business, but I’ll tell you anyway,” I began, as I shot him a daring look. “I’m going to tell Jim to change my schedule around. I need more time off to spend with Lizzie, and I want her schedule to reflect mine, so I can make sure she has a ride to and from school every day.”

Opening his mouth to speak, Jax quickly closed it. I guess he knew better than to argue with me. So, instead, he just nodded and walked away. “You’re crazy,” he mumbled.

He’s right. I’m crazy.Crazy about a beautiful and sexy woman who has changed my life forever.

Opening his office door, Jim stormed out. “What is it, Chase? I have a meeting with a new liquor supplier in ten minutes,” he rushed out, as he checked his Rolex watch for the time.

“I’ll make this quick,” I said as I stood. “I want you to change my schedule. For now, I want every other weekend off. Also, you’ll change Lizzie’s schedule, so it reflects mine,” I demanded, with a strong tone.

I stood much taller than Jim, but my size and strength didn’t scare him. This was a man who worked daily with the mob and other hard-core criminals who liked to spend and make lots of money. To him, I was just a kid. But I knew he respected me, nonetheless.

“And why should I do this?” Jim asked, as he crossed his arms over his massive chest.

“Because I’ve never asked you for anything in the years I’ve been here. I need this, Jim,” I said, my voice pleading with him to consider my demands.

“I wouldn’t do this for anyone else. You know that, right?” Jim questioned, as he stared at me with his typical pissed-off expression. “You’re different. Maybe even happy. I’ll do this, but you still work when I need you,” he said, before turning and leaving me standing alone.

With a smile on my face, I ignored the other workers who stared at me like I was a madman. Jim was right. I had changed. And, for the first time in my life—I liked who I was becoming.


Time seemed to stand still when I was with Chase. I found that I smiled and laughed more whenever he was around. Being with Chase allowed me to be myself or whoever this new Lizzie was. I was spending my weekends off hanging out with Chase and Avery and Jax. I loved the group we were in and how we all protected and cared for one another.

“Hey, Lizzie, wait up,” a voice yelled, as I walked out of my last class.

I turned to see Professor Smith, my Design Methods professor running toward me. He was a young man, in his early thirties with skinny khakis and a stylish sweater vest. His partner was a local artist, and he was always sharing stories of the amazing pieces they collected.