Page 3 of Ruthless Desire

After leaving town with me, Avery and I had spent the last three years waiting tables in small towns as we moved our way west to Las Vegas. I was determined to make a life for myself even if I had to keep running for the rest of my life.

Reaching back, I grabbed Avery’s hand and pulled her through the crowd toward where I stood.

“I have enough money to get us a room tonight. Tomorrow, we can interview at a few casinos and then apply at the Nevada School of Graphic Design,” I said, with sparks in my eyes.

Since I had left home three years ago, this was the first time I found hope and happiness. I had a dream and now, I was one step closer to achieving that dream. All my life, I had been forced to maintain a smile on my face as I pretended to enjoy having my life mapped out for me. Whenever I wanted a break from reality, I would draw. Sometimes, I would just doodle shapes and then explore colors and shades. Art was calming to me; it was an outlet for my pain and anxiety brought on by emotionally abusive parents, knowing I lived a life people believed I stole from my twin. Now, I realized I could make art not just a hobby and coping mechanism, but a career, too. I felt an overwhelming sense of excitement build in me. With the high of Vegas and the rush of seeing myself one step closer to my dream, I felt an unbelievable high. As we moved closer to the revolving doors leading to the large casino and hotel, I held my breath and pinched my arm to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.

The loud, vibrating sounds of a slot machine ringing cut through the smoky air of the casino lobby. All around me, voices and sounds blurred as I took in the beauty of the inside of this massive complex. Gold pillars stood throughout the massive complex and as we shuffled along the black marble floors, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the flashing lights everywhere I looked. Signs for bars, stages where performances were shown, and rooms dedicated to every form of gambling beckoned my senses to explore each colorful avenue.

Even at the witching hour of midnight, people lurked around the casino, watching one another and searching for their next win. Everything about this place screamed that I didn’t belong, but it hugged me and pulled me in any way.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, the next poker match will take place in the Millionaire’s Room in twenty-minutes,” a loud voice boomed overhead where we stood.

I glanced at Avery who was as entranced with the room as I was.

“Wow,” she breathed. “This place is impressive,” Avery said, with a large smile forming on her lips. Her blue eyes sparkled in the gleaming lights overhead and if I didn’t know her as well as I did, I would swear she had just found the love of her life.

I recognized that look because I knew I had the same expression on my olive-colored face. For the first time in my life, I found love. Only my love came in the form of poker chips and bright lights. To me, Las Vegas was freedom. It was a new start. The city was my new home and mother, and it was enveloping me in a large hug.

“Get the fuck out of my way,” an older woman yelled, as she shoved her elbow into my side. Her fanny pack was lopsided, and she was squinting her eyes at me as she continued to move like she just hadn't assaulted me.

“I’m sorry,” I tried to say, but she was already gone before I could manage to get the apology out of my mouth.

“Damn, that was brutal,” Avery laughed.

“I guess Vegas is different from the small towns we’ve been living in,” I replied, as I tried to find an excuse for this old woman’s nasty behavior.

“Yes, this is going to be very, very different.” Avery laughed, as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front desk.

With my heart pounding in my chest with a nervous energy I was sure could power this entire city, I followed Avery’s lead. I had promised myself that when I started this journey to uncover the real Lizzie, I wouldn't be afraid anymore.

When my family home was set into a blazing inferno, I had found my only outlet and way to escape my horrific life. Avery had never thought twice about joining me a month later. Her family had allowed her to take a year off college to travel and ‘find herself’ while I worked and saved enough money to get me to the next town.

Because she and I were close and well, Avery was amazing. She had talked her family into allowing her to take online courses at a local hometown university until we transferred to the Nevada School for Graphic Design. Not once did Avery ever tell her family or anyone else for that matter, that I was still alive.

In the eyes of the world, Elizabeth Sawyers was dead. Lizzie Sawyers was here now, and Avery and I were both on a mission to make sure my revival from the dead wasn’t in vain.

Now standing in the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel, one of Vegas’s most popular casinos, I felt like I had finally taken the first step to my new life living as Lizzie.

Walking up to the front desk, we waited in line as several people before us waited to book their rooms and head to their destinations.

“Geez, Lizzie, can you calm down?” Avery joked, as she noticed my anxious behavior.

Taking note, I noticed that my legs were shaking, and I was rocking back and forth on my heels. “Avery, I know I look like I’m bat-shit crazy right now, but I’m so excited to be here. We’ve worked hard to get to Vegas, and I’m about to explode,” I said with a massive grin.

“I get it, trust me. I’ve been with you the whole way,” Avery began, as she stepped forward. “But can you tone it down just a little bit?” Avery asked, as she squeezed my hand.

I looked down and couldn’t help but notice how much I didn’t belong here. With my yellow sundress and curled hair, I looked like I was ready to head to church and not check into a wild casino and ask for a job. Avery had a point though; my behavior was erratic, and people were looking at me. Maybe it was the yellow dress?

“Okay, I’ll try to act normal,” I stated, as I forced my legs to still.

Rolling her eyes, Avery just smirked as she stepped up to the front desk. “Hi, we have a room booked for Avery Manning.”

The lady at the desk rapidly typed something into her computer without even glancing up at us. I arched my brows as Avery and I exchanged glances.

“Yes, you’re in room 702,” the woman spoke sharply, as she handed Avery a silver room key. And with that, she turned her attention to the next person in line without any pleasantries.

Taking the key, Avery shifted her bag on her arm, and I followed her toward the row of elevators near the entrance.