Page 35 of Ruined

With a sigh, I reach out and pinch one of her nipples. She gasps, unmoving, too terrified of the spider.

“Your tits were made in heaven,” I murmur before leaning down and sucking on one of her nipples.


“If I was truly cruel, I’d finger you right here like this and make you come with that spider ready to bite you at a second’s notice. Then I’d watch you die with a grin on my face.”

She sniffles, and another tear falls. I wipe it away gently before sucking the salty liquid off my finger.

“But I’ll just leave you here,” I say. “Give you some time to think and remember.”

“You don’t have to do this,” she whispers.

“Oh, I know.” I smile. “Iwantto.” With that, I turn on my heel and walk off into the woods. I barely hear her as she tries to appeal to the hollow cavity in my chest where my heart should be.

“Kellan, please. I’m cold.”

I stop, not even bothering to turn around as I say over my shoulder, “I don’t know what ever gave you the impression that I care.”

. . .

Back at the party, I find Wes and Cal around the fire with a small group of people. Most everyone is inside at this point, either playing games in the basement, hanging out, or dancing.

I grab a drink, sipping it as I make my way to Wes’s side. He doesn’t ask about Athelia—not with this many people around. But my nod is enough to satisfy him. His and Cal’s masks glow in the darkness, and I catch a few people staring at us.

“Everything’s going fine,” he tells me. “Barrett said Colton, Xander, and Lucas haven’t bothered showing up again.”

“It’d better stay that way,” I growl. My mood has significantly soured over the course of the night, and I’d love nothing more than to give someone a good beating.

“Hey, you.” Someone tugs on the sleeve of my hoodie.

Turning, I look down to find Haven still grabbing onto my sleeve. She’s frowning, and her phone is clutched in her other hand. Looks like Aaron fucked her good and hard, though. Her hair is a mess, and her crop top is on a little crooked.

“Have you seen my friend?” she asks. “Her name is Athelia.”

“No, sorry,” I say with a shrug. “I showed her something upstairs, but then she headed off on her own. Said something about getting some food from the kitchen, I think.”

Haven chews on her bottom lip for a moment before glancing at her phone. “I’ve texted and called her, like, a million times. It’s not like her to not answer.”

“I’ll keep an eye out for her,” I say.

She nods, turning to go. But then she whips around again, her eyes wide. “Hey, um. Do you know the name Wesley Carver?”

Wes goes stiff beside me, but I don’t think Haven notices.

“Yeah, I’ve talked to him a few times. Why?”

“Have you seen him around here tonight? Or either of his friends? Kellan Ambrose or Calidore Graham.”

“No, don’t think so. Why? They trouble or something?”

Haven grimaces. “That’s one way to put it. Well, thanks. I’m gonna look through the house for her again.”

“Hope you find her,” I call, but she’s already sprinting off.

Wes is tense as hell, so I rest a hand on his shoulder and lean in close. “I’ll take care of it.”

He relaxes. After I slap him on the back, I head into the house.