Page 14 of Ruined

“Hey,” Cal yells from the kitchen. “Where are the cups?”

“Cabinet under the sink,” I call back.

“Uhhh. No, they’re not.”

With a groan, I head into the kitchen, and we search the place until we find the bag full of cups. He shoots me a couple worried glances, and after a minute, I lose my patience.

“What?”I snap.

“You’re just really fucking tense, man.”

“I need this to go well.”

“It will. She’ll be here, and then you can do whatever you want to her. Or… I guess me and Kellan will.”

“Good.” I stand there, unconsciously twisting my ring around my finger again.

“You sure a good fuck won’t get her out of your system?” Kellan asks as he enters the kitchen from behind me. He’s asked me that so many times over the years that I’ve lost count.

“That never works,” I growl.And he’ll find out somehow. She’d tell him, I’m sure. I just need to wait a little longer.

Kellan shrugs. “Hey, whatever. I like how scared she gets whenever she sees one of us.”

At that, I smirk. So do I—it’s one of the only pleasures I’m able to have until I manage to get out from underneath my stepfather’s thumb. Fucking tyrant. He’s the reason we’re even in this position.

Not true,a voice in the back of my mind says.She had something to do with it, too.

Athelia’s face flashes in my thoughts, and it sends a wave of desire and hatred through me.

She chose him.She chose him even though she looked at me with such sincerity in those big brown eyes of hers. When I kissed her, I know she felt the same energy I did. It’s been over three years, and I can still feel it now.

Yet she used me to get to him, just like before.

Doesn’t matter,I remind myself.Focus on the goddamn plan.

“Let’s get ready,” I say tightly. “I don’t want her to know what hit her until it’s far, far too late.”

Chapter Six


“You’resurethey won’t be there?” I ask Haven as she hurries me along the sidewalk.

“What did they tell you again?” she says.

I shudder at the reminder of Cal’s threat. His eyes sparkled with sick amusement as he towered over me, so close I could smell his juniper and cedarwood cologne. “He promised me I wouldn’t make it through Halloween weekend without wishing I’d never been born.”

That was two weeks ago, and I’ve had at least eight panic attacks because of it since.Why can’t they just leave me alone?

“And you’resureyou were loud enough in class the other day?”

“Positive,” I reply.

Kellan and I share a couple classes—in fact, I share classes with all three of the menaces who’ve made my college experience hell. I made sure to say in a conversation that I wouldn’t be attending this specific Halloween party, and I was definitely loud enough for Kellan to hear.

“Then you’re safe,” Haven says. “If their plan is to torment you this weekend, then they’ll be out looking for you. The last place they’ll be is where you said youwouldn’tbe.”

“I hope so,” I mutter.