Page 135 of Rhapsody of Pain

“I’m here. I’m here, baby. I’ve got you.”

Whatever she says is muffled against my shirt. I gently ease her back just enough to tip her face up to look at me. My thumbscaress her cheeks as my eyes drink her in, but I’m also checking for any injuries I’ll need to take out on whoever did this to her.

“He’s dead,” she blurts out.

I freeze. “Who?”

“Martin.” The name flies from her lips and her entire body slumps into mine like it’s a weight suddenly thrown from her chest and shoulders. “Martin’s dead. I… I killed him.”

I can tell this is not a proud moment for her. That she’s shaken, that she can’t believe she just killed a man with what I’m guessing is the crowbar she nearly decapitated me with.

So I hold back from letting her know just how fucking proud I am of her.

“Where?” is all I say, and I quickly nod to Pavel and Tolya to go check things out ahead of us when she points at the container two spots away. They dart ahead. I keep her pinned close to my side as we make our way over in their wake.

The door has a few dents where she must’ve wrenched herself free. Pavel eases it open and steps inside.

He whistles low. “Shit. Fuck. I mean… goddamn.”

Clara winces and steps back. I keep her close and kiss the top of her head to reassure her. “It’s okay,” I remind her. “You did what you needed to survive.”

“And then some,” Pavel echoes from inside the container. He can’t see my glare but I’m pretty sure he knows I’m sending him one.

Tolya’s eyebrow hitches with curiosity. He pokes his head around the door but doesn’t step inside. “Holy shit.” He leansback out and gives her a small bow of respect. “Remind me to never, ever get on your bad side. Ever.”

Pavel reemerges from the container and nudges the door close with his foot. “He’s definitely dead. Leave him.”

I hold Clara at arm’s length and scan her body for signs of any major injuries. I want to do a far more thorough search, but we don’t have time. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

She nods. “He tried. I stopped him.”

“Painted the walls with him,” Pavel mutters as he walks by, checking his ammo.

Shouts echo from the other side of the depot. I’m pulled from my relief as I realize we still have to get her out of here—which means there’s still a chance I could lose her. One stray bullet, one rogue shot…

“We gotta go, baby.” I kiss her face and press my spare gun into her hand. “Stay close. Hide when you can. I can’t?—”

Clara hushes me with a finger to my lips when she hears my voice catch. “I’m here. I’m with you. I can handle this.”

I kiss her again. If it’s the last kiss we ever share, I want to make it worthwhile.

Tolya clears his throat again and motions for us to get going. Reluctantly, I tear myself away from my fierce and beautiful woman to lead the way back toward the main gates.

But then Clara steps to the side, aims at the lock of a container, and pulls the trigger.

Thank God I still have a silencer on the thing. “Clara!” I hiss as it spits and the lock clangs loudly. “The fuck are you doing?”

She ignores me and swings the crowbar at the decimated lock. It smashes what’s left of it to bits and she yanks the metal door open.

Dozens of terrified eyes stare out at us from the darkness within.


“Go.” I wave my arm, as do Tolya and Pavel, so the women know they can and should absolutely leave their metal prison. “Go. You need to go.”

Clara moves to the next container and repeats the process.

Shoots the lock.