Page 126 of Rhapsody of Pain

“Bad,” Tolya answers for me.

“Raizo’s definitely pissed. He’s also got Clara, no thanks to Patterson. Seems like now that Greg’s out of the picture, Raizo needs a new ‘in’ and has his sights set on?—”

“Wait. What do you mean, ‘Greg’s out of the picture’?”

Pavel’s grin is obvious through the sound of his voice shifting. “Our Clara has been a very busy lady. LVPD is in utter chaos over the investigation she cracked open over her dad’s head. He’s in custody and won’t be seeing sunshine for a very long time.”

“I’m assuming that’s the good news.”

“Part of it.” His voice grows serious again. “You were right. Raizo’s been monitoring her for weeks. Word on the street is he had his own plans to extract her from Oleg, and now that he’s gone and Greg’s under house arrest…”

I frown. “But she’s with Martin. Bambi said he’s the one who took her.”

“Right. And thanks to Raizo’s weird obsession with her, we know exactly where they are.”

I was not aware I’d stopped breathing entirely until that sigh of relief rolls through me. “Please tell me?—”

“Willow’s safe. She’s shaken up, but we managed to retrieve Princess from police custody once they saw her instantly calm down around the kid. You also owe me a few hundred bucks.”

“Help me get Clara back, and I’ll give you a permanent pay raise.”

“Shit, I’ll do that for free. Sending you the coordinates now.”

As the map pops up in the navigation console, I feel myself begin to white-knuckle the steering wheel.

Clara’s okay. She’s got to be okay. Martin wouldn’t…

Please, God.

Let her be okay.



My head fuckinghurts.

I’m starting to understand why Demyen’s so foul-mouthed half the time. If I was constantly getting beat up and injured like this, I’d be the exact same way.

Bright lights suddenly fill my eyes and do nothing to help the throbbing migraine pounding against my skull. The only reprieve is Martin’s dark shadow when he steps in front of them.

Then again, I think I prefer being blinded.

“Up and at ‘em, sweetheart.” He reaches down and yanks me up by a fistful of my hair, pulling me out of the trunk of his squad car.

I’m cuffed, disoriented, and quickly losing my patience.

And then panic lances through me.Willow. It’s already sunset and we’re apparently at some sort of container truck depot, far away from the city limits and Willow’s school.

I was supposed to pick her up.

I quickly remind myself to take inventory before I spiral into a state of panic I won’t be able to pull myself out of. Her school knows we have “special circumstances” regarding Martin, after that one kidnapping attempt. Demyen increased security after the shooting. And Bambi?—

Bambi.She’s on the emergency contact list. So is Pavel and Demyen. Any one of them would have picked her up by now and figured out something’s wrong.

Tears sting my eyes; I’ll blame them on my injuries. In truth, I’m so immensely relieved to know without a doubt that no matter what happens to me, Willow is safe with her new family.

I can suffer…