Page 69 of Rhapsody of Pain

“Of course you don’t. Well, thanks to you,” he grumbles playfully along my neck while he finally does tie the knot extra-securely around my ribcage, “I now have to go take a cold shower. Much appreciated.”

My giggle melts into a laugh and he tickles my sides before swatting my ass.

“Put a goddamn cover-up on or something. I can’t afford to fire every guard on the premises,” he calls over his shoulder before disappearing into the bathroom.

I catch my reflection in the full-sized mirror by the door. The bikini does hug my curves in the best possible way, but I notice something a little different.

It’s subtle, but it’s there.

Between the newer fullness of my breasts and the ever-so-slight swell of my stomach, I’m actually kind of surprised Demyen hasn’t noticed anything. Or said anything.

I’m still too scared to tell him. But not because I don’t think he wants a baby with me.

I’m too scared that he does—and that finally, maybe, I’m living the life I never felt allowed to dream of.



“Fuck! Ow!” Pavel braces a hand to his side and wheezes through his laughter. “Damn near tore my stitches!”

Bambi snickers and tucks her phone back into her bag. “Worth it. Look me in the eye and tell me that wasn’t worth it.”

I just got done showing them the video of Demyen’s “badass men” carefully arranging a tea party in the middle of the woods. It’s not necessarily that they took the time and care to set it up as authentically as possible. It’s more that, to our shock and delight, we have discovered a few hidden talents among Dem’s otherwise silent and stoic guards. Like folding napkins into origami swans. A fight between Mako and Fyodor over whether teaspoons go on the left or right has us all howling.

I love Dem more and more. And with each passing day, my love for him extends to the people around him who continue to show unwavering care and affection for Willow.

I know they care for me, too. It’s just easier to focus on her so I don’t spiral into overthinking my own situation.

“Look at them.” Bambi shields her eyes with one hand and holds her cocktail up with the other. “I can’t believe it. Seriously. I’m having a very difficult time believing what I’m seeing.”

Following her gaze out over the lake, I have to agree.

Demyen talked Willow onto a jet ski and is now zooming over the water with her. They’re both wearing life jackets—hers was obviously required, but she refused to go unless he put one on, too—and he keeps leaning down to tell her something. I’m guessing they’re instructions becauseoh my fucking Lord, my baby is driving the jet ski?—

“Breathe, Clara.” Bambi laughs and gently nudges me. “Remember to both inhaleandexhale. You haven’t done that in a while.”

“He’s… They… You’re seeing this, right?She’s driving the jet ski!”

Demyen must hear my shriek across the water because he grins at me, waves, and throws his hands up in the air.

Though he very quickly returns them to the handles when Willow hits a wave on the rebound curve and sends them soaring into the air.

I’m gonna pass out.

“Poor Mama Bear. You need a stiff drink.”

“Nah, I’m good.” I sit back down on the deck chair and try to sound as casual and calm as possible. And not at all like a pregnant woman avoiding alcohol.

Bambi still squints at me. “You sure?”

I nod. “Need to keep my wits about me. Since he’s apparently lost every last one of his.”

Pavel stretches out on the lounger, careful to not overextend his side where the stitches are still holding him together. “Ah,l’amour.It hits different when there’s kids involved.”

“Kid. Singular.”

He winks at me. “Sure.” He reaches for his own drink, which Willow silently but affectionately adorned with a crazy straw on her way out to the dock with Demyen. “I’m telling ya, that kid's gonna have to become a nun when she grows up. Ain’t no way he’ll ever let any man get near her.” He takes a long sip, completely unfazed by the bright purple curlicues of his straw.