“Then it’s settled.” She nodded her head, like she’d just mentally finished checking off a list. “That’s all for now.”

“Great.” I gave her the biggest smile I could currentlymanage—which was forced, but I’d tried—before grabbing my stuff and the binder so I could head up the stairs.

“Ella.” She stopped me as I reached the door. “You’re going to be great. I believe in you.”

I was glad one person did. Giving her a nod, I headed upstairs, debating my current predicament.

President. Holy shit.Iwas going to be president. When I’d applied for the executive board last year, I’d picked this position for a reason. Audrey had become the Social Chair, planning fun events for our chapter, and I, well… I stayed in the background.

If I was being honest with myself, my apprehension came from working with Delta Sig. With thenotknowing. I had a phone number practically spelling out my doom in front of me.

Why hadn’t I gotten Charming’sname? I rubbed a hand over my forehead, frustrated. There had been so many opportunities for me to ask, but even the next morning, I’d just slipped out without waking him.

Fuck my life.This is what I got for giving in to my instincts for one night. For chasing pleasure and fun, instead of focusing on the path ahead of me. The walk of shame was going to be nothing compared to the embarrassment of running into my Halloween hookup—because I had to stop thinking about him as Charming—again.

Collapsing on my bed, I typed out a new text to the number on the piece of paper.


Hi. It’s Ella. The new President of Pi Rho Sig. I just wanted to know if you wanted to get together this weekend? Since we’re apparently partnering up now…

Here goes nothing,I thought to myself.

Throwing a piece of popcorn in my mouth, I settled onto the couch in between Audrey and my sorority sister Suzie, who’d apparently stepped in to take my place as Vice President.

The girls had all gathered in the giant living room for a girl’s night, complete withtoomany snacks and a showing of some of our favorite movies.

I figured some bonding time would be good, especially when I’d had to reveal the news to the chapter. Apparently, everyone agreed with Ilene’s decision, even if I thought it was crazy. Me as President? They were out of their minds.

Audrey nudged me softly. “Everything okay? How are you feeling about all of this?”

My twin always knew when to check in on me. I leaned my head on her shoulder, appreciating the soft fabric of her cozy pink pajamas.

“It’ll be fine,” I whispered back, even though I lacked the same confidence in myself. “It’s just a learning curve, right?”

“Did the president of Delta Sig get back to you?” Audrey asked, since I’d explained the whole situation earlier.

I nodded, munching on another piece of popcorn as my eyes focused on the TV screen.

“Oh, good. Just let me know if you need my help.”

Squeezing her knee, I nodded. “I’m sure I will.”

My fingers itched with the need to create, to distract myself by hiding myself in the sewing studio, to keep going till my back ached and I had a sense of accomplishment of a project done—but for tonight, I ignored it, bathing in the sense of togetherness with my chapter.

I could do this.Right?

First, I just had to get over my fears.

“Audrey,” I murmured as the movie ended, poking at my sister’s arm. “Can we talk?”

Her eyes flared with worry. “What is it? Are you okay?”

I nodded. “Nothing’s wrong, I promise.” Well, maybe that wasn’t entirely true, but I was sticking with it. Pulling her intothe quiet kitchen, I took a deep breath before blurting out, “Ilenewantsmetomove.”

“What?” Her eyes widened. ThankGodAudrey always knew what I was saying, even when I talked a mile a minute. “Move? Where?”

I grimaced. “Well, since Lily moved out, her room is empty.”