“How much I adore you.”

She hummed in response as I carried her through, depositing her onto the floor once we came into the entryway. One side boasted a living room, and the other a flight of stairs up to the second floor.

“What do you think, Princess?” I asked her. “What do you want to see first? Your new office, or your new tub?”

Her eyes sparkled. “There’s a tub?”

“Mhm.” I’d checked, and it could fit two people. Something I fully planned on taking advantage of tonight. We’d spent the last year in a cramped shower in our small university apartment, and I wanted the space to worship her right. “So, what do you think?”

“The bathtub,” she agreed. “Definitelythe bath.”

Interlacing our fingers, we hustled up the stairs—practically taking two at a time, and I made good on my promise.

I showed her the new tub, and just how much I adored her. Loved her.

It was something I planned on doing every day for the rest of our lives together.

I’d never believed in fairytales, but somehow, they’d all come true, anyway.

Because I’d met my Princess one Halloween night, and every single moment since then, I’d been working my way towards this.

But it wasn’tThe End—it was just the beginning of our future together.

“I love you,” she said, nuzzling her nose against mine.

“I love you more,” I responded. “What do you want?”

“Everything,” she breathed.

Always. I’d give it to her—forever.

Extended Epilogue


Three years later…

The lights came back on in the crowded room, an entire room of people cheering, but there was only one person I was here for.


The curtain came up, and the cast members took their bows, individually and then as a group, and the roar of the crowd didn’t settle until the curtain was closed again.

I looked over at the blonde sitting at my side in an elegant gown, her hair pinned up in a bun that reminded me of the first time we’d met. The smile that lit up her face was so wide, her eyes red like she’d been crying off and on.

“They were incredible,” Ella whispered at my side, even as everyone got up to exit the theater.

“Youwere incredible,” I said back, placing a kiss on the side of her face. “I can’t believe you designed all of those costumes.” It was the opening night for the very first show she had the sole credit for—a musical, much like the one she’d worked on at Castleton.

“I had help,” she murmured, a blush evident on her face.

“Take the compliment,” I said into her ear, checking to make sure no one around us was listening in. “Or I’ll punish you for it later,wife.”

Her silver sparkly evening gown caught the lights as they came up, as well as the sparkling diamond that sat on her left ring finger, an ever-present reminder of the vows we’d made to each other. What I’d promised her four years ago, long before I’d ever purchased the ring.

“Cam!” she giggled as I kissed the side of her neck. “Not here.”

“Mmmm. Where do you think, then?” I wiggled my eyebrows. “Want to see if the bathroom is free?”