“Cam,” I breathed as he placed the flowers in my arms and placed a kiss on the side of my cheek. “They’re beautiful.”

“I love you.”

“You didn’t have to buy me flowers.”

He looked cheeky. “Yes, I did.” Cam let his lips rest against my ear, and then he breathed, “Because I’m your boyfriend, Princess.” A year and a half later, and that phrase still did things to me. In some ways, I still couldn’t believe it. That I’d found him. That he turned out to be everything I’d ever wanted.

A chill ran down my spine at the possessive look in his eyes. “Thank you,” I said, burying my nose in the pretty peonies.

“Ella!” The sound of my name being shouted startled me, and as I looked up, I saw a whirlwind of blonde curls and a pink dress—Audrey—running towards me, her face lit up with a bright smile.

“Ro!” I grinned, careful to shuffle my flowers, so they didn’t get crushed, as I gave my twin a big hug.

“Hi, Audrey,” Cam said, sticking out his hand in congratulations.

Audrey rolled her eyes, pulling him into a hug instead. “We’re practically family now, Cameron. And in our family, we hug.”

He looked at me, eyes full of emotion, and I knew exactly what he was thinking. But he needed to get used to it—because he was my family now. A decision made even more real by our bags packed in the back of his car, and the moving truck that held all the furniture we’d shared over the last year.

All of it was ready to drive up to New York City—our new home for the next few years.

“Thanks, Audrey,” Cam said, hugging my sister back.

And then my parents were there, taking photos of Audrey and I, posed together, her in pink and me in blue just like we’d always been, showing off the caps that we’d decorated with flowers and sequins and glitter. Mine readKeep on Dreaming,and I’d bedazzled a high heel for the middle of it. It was fitting, especially considering I wore the necklace that Cam had given me, because a pair of shoes had, in fact, changed my life.

“Let’s get one with your boyfriends!” my mom yelled, and Cam slid into my side, wrapping his arm around my waist. You couldn’t have wiped the smile off my face.

I didn’t even care that the new pair of heels I’d worn for the occasion were cutting into my feet, or how badly they hurt—because everyone I loved was by my side. My family—and the one I’d found here at CU.

Cam found his friends—myfriends, now, and then there were ten of us crammed into one photo, because despite their objections to romance last year, even Adam and James had fallen in love, and then there was laughing, and hugging, and some tears were shed as we all prepared to say goodbye.

We still had tonight, at least, before we all went our separateways. One last party, all of us and our friends crammed into Forest and Sutton’s apartment nearby.

Distracted, I didn’t notice Cam as he scooped me up into his arms, lifting me up off the ground and spinning us around. I laughed, unable to stop the giddy sound from escaping my lips.

My shoe fell off my foot, landing on the concrete, which only made me laugh harder.

“What am I going to do with you?” He asked, giving my ass a little smack as he sat me down. “I’m going to have to tie them onto you, aren’t I?”

Bending down, he picked up my shoe, sliding it back onto my foot before standing back up. Even in my three-inch heels, he still towered over me, and I’d always loved that—how tall he was. How easily he could throw me over his shoulder or carry me in his arms.

Dipping his head down, he brushed his lips over mine.

A smile curling on my lips. “You’re incorrigible.”

Cam grinned. “I know. But can you blame me? My girlfriend is gorgeous, and she’sallmine.”

I wrapped my hands around his neck, placing a kiss on his nose. “No, I can’t. Because my boyfriend is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, andhe’sallmine.”

He kissed me deeply, and I didn’t care about all the graduates or the family and friends that surrounded us as our lips touched. As he parted my lips, letting our tongues meet, all I could think was,I hope I’m at least half as happy as this, every single day.

Because this was the beginning of our happily ever after.

And I intended to make it a good one.


Ella wrapped her hand around my wrist, pulling me into the bathroom.