“You say that like you’re not finishing your last year in baseball before planning on heading out to the major leagues, Carter?”

Ella’s face had lit up at the suggestion, and she turned to her friend. “Yeah! We should definitely do that.”

“Is Audrey coming?” Sutton asked, nudging Ella’s side.

“I think so. She’s supposed to be bringing her boyfriend.”

“So they’re dating? For real this time?”

Ella shrugged. “I don’t know. Audrey’s been surprisingly tight-lipped about all of it.”


I frowned. “What’s happening?” Clearly, I was out of the loop.

My girl had dragged me along to see the school musical, happily pointing out in my ear which of the costumes she’d sewn or designed. Watching her see them come to life was incredible. And Parker—Ella and Audrey’s childhood neighbor—had taken over the love interest role in the play to help her out. But last I’d heard… Well, I guess it didn’t matter now.

Ella leaned in so she could whisper in my ear. “I’ll catch you up later.”

Audrey came in the door, her blonde hair so similar to Ella’s curled in ringlets that went halfway down her back. I blinked, and I realized there was a quiet shadow at her side. The light brunette was none other than Parker. Transfer lacrosse star turned musical performer? It sounded like the plot of High School Musical to me, but maybe I was missing something.

The girls gathered in the kitchen, all giggling about something or other, so I took this opportunity to plop down on the couch next to the guys.

“You had a pretty exceptional year, too, huh, Erikson?” I asked him. CU might not have gone to the Championships this year, but they’d done well, making it into the Playoffs.

“Hell yeah. Bummed we didn’t bring the championship trophy home, but we played our asses off this season.”

“And how’s the team looking for next year,Captain?” I raised an eyebrow, and he did his best not to smirk. Cocky bastard.

“It’s great. Hopefully, our best yet. How’s yours going, Carter?” He asked, nudging our friend. The baseball season wasstill going strong, which meant he’d be spending the next two months either on campus or traveling for games.

He looked over at Sutton, heaving a deep sigh.

“That bad?” Adam asked, raising an eyebrow as he sipped on his beer.

Forest shook his head. “It’s not that. I’ve just been questioning if this is what I want anymore. Playing professionally after college, and all of that.” He rubbed at his shoulder, not taking his eyes off his girlfriend.

“What would you do instead?” James asked, but Forest just shook his head.

“I don’t know.” He finally looked away from Sutton and back at us as he thrust his fingers into his brown locks. “I’ll have my degree, but I haven’t really stepped back from baseball to think about what I’d do after. It’s just the thought of being on the road so much, hardly ever being home…” He shrugged. “It sounded great when I was sixteen, but lately I wonder if that’s the life I want. Leaving her all the time.”

I understood that, and I wasn’t even considering a life on the road. But I’d watched my dad log countless hours of overtime at his law firm, leaving my mom to pick up the pieces, and even more so after they’d lost my brother. I silently vowed to myself never to do that to Ella. Because I wanted to be present, to share in our lives together.

“What about you?” I pried, nudging him. “How was your first year as the—” He punched me in the arm, hard, and I feigned innocence. “Still keeping it a secret, then?” I smirked. “Got it.”

If he was so determined to keep this to himself, I wouldn’t be the one to spoil it. Even though I didn’t think he had anything to be ashamed of. Even if hewasputting on a giant Chipmunk Costume.

A noise interrupted our conversation, and Parker came barreling through the door—Audrey’sParker. He looked aroundthe room for a moment, giving us guys a nod before heading into the kitchen, pulling Ella’s twin sister into his arms.

Dipping his head down, he kissed her—passionately,hard.Like he might die without it. Her arms wound around his neck, and then he was lifting her up into the air, his hands wrapped under her ass, keeping her supported as they made out in front of Adam’s fridge.

They seemed to realize where they were, and he did his best to look sheepish. “Um, hi,” he finally said, setting Audrey back down on her feet before turning to all of us. “I’m just gonna, uh, borrow mygirlfriendnow, if you all don’t mind.”

I was pretty sure we all sat there with the same open-jawed expression on our faces as he slipped his hand into hers, guiding her out the door.

Audrey was as pink as the clothes she always wore, trying to hide her embarrassment through her long locks of thick hair. Not that it mattered. We’d all seen it.

“Well, that was something,” Ella remarked to me, sliding into my lap.