Two months later…

My door opened, a blur of blonde appearing before Ella slumped onto the couch next to me, her eyes shutting as soon as her head met my shoulder. “Thank god it’s over.”

“How’d it go?” I asked, referring to her last final—a presentation for her design class.

“Good.” My girl yawned, tucking her feet underneath her as she cuddled up to my side. The windows were open, letting the cool spring breeze flow in.

“You know what this means, right? I grinned. “Weofficiallysurvived junior year.”

“Thank goodness. I need a drink.” She pondered for a moment, and then added, “and maybe a nap.”

Laughing, I smoothed a hand over her hair. “I can make at least one of those happen.”

Probably the nap first—I was exhausted too.

Now that finals had finished for us, that meant we were surrounded by houses of college kids packing up, eager to head home for the summer. There was stuff to do, sure—packing up my bedroom, helping make sure everyone was checked out of their rooms, cleansing the house before it closedfor the summer—but right now, I was content here with my girl.

“What’s on your forehead?” I asked, reaching over and rubbing at the spot with my thumb. It was a piece of chunky glitter, probably from one of the many pieces she’d finished this week. Maybe from her final presentation today.

I wiped it off, and she grimaced. “You should see my floor. Not sure there’s any amount of vacuuming that’s going to get all that glitter out.”

“Not yours for much longer.” I kissed her forehead.

“I know.” Hands in her lap, she fiddled with her thumbs. “It’s weird to think about. Like saying goodbye.”

Because we’d signed a lease yesterday. Ourlease for our first apartment together. The keys were in my back pocket, and we were officially moving in together at the end of this week.

“Are you nervous?”

“To live with you? No.” Ella burrowed deeper into my side. “I’m excited about that. But it still feels strange, you know? That Audrey won’t be in the next room or down the hall. We’vealwayslived together.”

I curled my hand around her chin, tilting her head to bring our eyes together. “She’ll be okay.”

She sighed, but it was one of contentment, not worry. “I know she will.” Besides, I was pretty sure, just like Ella, she had someone else to take care of her now.

“And so will we.” I kissed her lips this time, my fingers brushing against her jaw as I ran my tongue over the seam of her lips.

“Of course we will.” She sighed. “Have you heard anything else from your dad?”

“Not exactly.” Because I’d been ignoring his calls, not wanting to talk to him. I was still mad about the way he’d acted when he met Ella, and I hadn’t forgiven him for that. I needed time.

“Is he upset with you? About the internship?”

Shutting my eyes, I rested my head against her, the motion as she combed through my hair with her fingers soothing me. “No. Not about that.”

She hummed in response.

“That feels good,” I said, not wanting her to stop.

“I like your hair,” she said. “Always have. It’s so soft.”

The feeling was mutual. I loved playing with Ella’s hair as much as I loved messing it up. “So is yours.”

A little giggle slipped from her lips, and I opened my eyes, leaning in close to her once gain.

“What do you think?” I murmured against her mouth. “Still want to take that nap?”

She only responded with a hum, before deepening the kiss. Her hand wrapped around my shirt collar. When we finally pulled apart, she was breathing roughly. With her head leaned on my chest, she whispered, “Should we go to the party tonight?”