Telling Ella how I felt waseverything, and I didn’t feel nervous or stressed about the future anymore. Because as long as we were together, as long as I had her, I could make it through anything.
In the grand scheme of things, not much had changed between us since my dad’s visit, but what had changed was how easy it was to communicate my feelings now. I’d known I loved her for a while, but being able to say it was freeing.
For full transparency with our advisors, we came clean about our relationship. They’d been worried that we would sleep together, and thenactuallyruin things between our fraternity and sorority, but luckily, their fears hadn’t come true.
Of course, they hadn’t known that we’d slept together on Halloween or that I’d been looking for Ella since she snuck out of my room. How could they have? And even I hadn’t imagined that we would end up like this when she’d left her shoes in my room.
Ella and I weren’t just a fling, or a one-night stand. We were in this for real. A decision that had become more and more cemented over the last two weeks.
My phone buzzed—my father texting me once again. He’dtouched base a few times, but it was all still too raw. I wanted to spend this time dreaming about the future, not haunted by the past.
Like how we’d started looking for apartments for next year. We’d also agreed to spend as many weekends as possible together this summer, which meant a lot of driving with both of our internships—I’d gotten one with a law firm here in town, and Ella was working with the theater company in her hometown. But I’d be happy to make the drive for her.
I hope you’ll reconsider about the firm.
Your mom misses you.
I’m not ready to talk about this yet, Dad.
Ella’s important to me. I love her. And the way you acted… I just need time.
I’ll call mom later this week.
I’m sorry, you know.
That we weren’t there for you when you needed it. That we got so caught up in losing Declan that we forgot about how important you were to us.
But you are, son.
I want to be better. To do better.
It wasn’t enough, but it was a start. A start that we desperately needed if we were going to mend the fence between us. If they wanted to get to know their future daughter-in-law, my dad would be smart to remember it.
Thinking about her—knowing I’d get to see her at the end of every busy day—made all of my worries float away. They weren’t gone, but I could save them for later. Tuck them inside ofme, alongside the hurt that I’d carried all these years. Hurt I was finally able to start letting go of, slowly but surely.
Are you ready?
To see you? Always
Ha ha. Funny.
For the formal.
You’re still my date, right?