
“Shit.” I rubbed at my eyes. “I meant to go back to the sorority house. Ilene is going to catch on soon.” Thank god it was the weekend, and I didn’t have class today.

He snorted, sitting up with the sheet pooled at his waist. “You sure she hasn’t already?”

My cheeks warmed. “I mean… We’ve tried to be discreet. It’s not like we’re all over each other at events.”

Cam brushed a piece of hair back behind my ear. “I’m pretty sure Richard knows, baby.”

“What?” I blinked. “What do you mean?”

He hummed. “You think no one notices you leaving the house in the mornings?”

“Well…” I grimaced. “I just didn’t think youradvisorwould.”

Cam shrugged. “I’m sure if he knows, Ilene does too. It’s not like they don’t talk. They’re the reason we ever got paired up, after all.”Huh.He had a point.

I opened my mouth to say something, to refute his claim, but I couldn’t deny that he was probably right.

A thought occurred to me—our conversation from the beginning of the semester. We’d had meetings weekly since then, but Cameron hadn’t come up again. Naively, I thought maybe she’d just forgotten, or hadn’t noticed. Plus, I’d beenreallycareful about him not staying the night, and leaving when visiting hours ended. Despite that, had she noticed how many nights I hadn’t spent in my bed? The mornings when I’d shown up in last night’s clothes—or worse, Cam’s sweats?

“Oh, God. She’s gonna kill me,” I groaned.

“Why?” Cam frowned. “We’re not doing anything wrong. We’re two adults in a committed relationship.” He curled a finger around my ear.

I nestled my head against his chest. “She warned me away from you.”

He chuckled. “So?”

“So…” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know. I just feel guilty, I guess. Lying.” Rolling over onto my chest, I clutched his pillow to my chest.

“We only have a few months left. And then…” He grinned.

His smile was contagious.

“Happily ever after?” I asked, joking slightly.

I really could have never imagined how the last few monthshad gone. Becoming President, meetingCharmingagain,falling in love with him—all of it felt like a fairytale.

“Of course,” he agreed. “Did you expect anything less?”

He spun us over, pinning me down on his mattress. “Everything will be okay.”

“How do you know that?”

Cam leaned down to kiss me. “Because I love you.”

“Oh, good,” I joked. “Guess I didn’t dream that then.”

“Definitely not.” He nuzzled my neck, kissing down my throat before I wiggled underneath him.

“I should go,” I whispered. “Before we get caught.”

He sighed. “I know. Later?”

“Later.” I kissed him back. It was a promise.

That I would never run away from him again.