Would she stay when she realized how messed up we were? When she learned how much I’d kept from her?

I loved her, but was thatenough? Was it enough for her, or would she run away from me once again?

Either way, I should have told her when I’d had the chance.




What are you doing?



Think you can spare a moment or two for dinner?

For my boyfriend?


Isent a little winky face before looking at my current project, deciding I’d more than earned a break. Besides, sometimes it felt like I’d hardly left my room lately except for class and sorority events. I grabbed my lanyard, heading out to meet him.

As the semester got busier, the times I got to see Cameron dwindled, too. We caught each other for lunch in the cafeteria, sometimes a quick dinner off campus, or forstudy dates in the library.

That was also the reason I’d started going to almost all of Delta Sig’s parties—because it meant that I got to see my man. Which still was weird to say, even if I liked it. Calling him my boyfriend, seeing his eyes flare with the hint of possessiveness that I loved when I was wearing his clothes… All of it was new. And I couldn’t complain.

My phone lit up again during my walk, and I glanced at it, expecting it to be another flirty text from Cam, but it was from my twin.

I felt bad for spending less time with her lately, but this semester had been insanely busy—for both of us. Luckily, I still got to see her at the sorority events, and in the theater department, but I missed the alone time, too. Back when we’d roomed together, it never felt like I was this far apart from my sister. Like we were moving in opposite directions.

I didn’t know how to get back to that.


Parker’s going to do it.


Sorry, do what?


Be the lead in the musical. With me.

Do you think he’ll fit in the costume?



I think so? I’d have to measure him to be sure, though.

I wasn’t sure what surprised me more—Audrey’s childhood best friend reappearing out of the blue last semester or the fact that he’d actually agreed to be in the musical with her. From what I remembered, he was pretty quiet, and I knew from Audrey that he played lacrosse, so I couldn’t imagine how thetime commitment was going to work, but if she was happy, then I was happy for her.
