“Sold, to the gentleman in the third row.”

Ella’s eyes connected with mine, a look of surprise on her face. I grinned up at her, giving her a wink. She looked away, and I was sure that there was a faint pink hue on her cheeks. She gave a little wave before disappearing back behind the stage, blowing a kiss to me before the curtain closed.

“Well, we’re definitely off to a good start!” The host continued, and another girl came onto the stage, but I tuned it out.

I looked over at James, who was wearing a big, dopey smile. “What?”

“I’ve never seen you like this.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’reenchanted.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“I just… It’s not like I’m in love with her,” I grumbled out. But I froze. I wasn’t,wasI?

Except… why did I want to spend all of my time with her? I wanted to be there for her when she was sad, and celebrate with her when something good happened. I wanted… I wanted everything with her. And I had for a while.

If I was being honest, I’d been falling in love with her ever since that first night.

I shut my eyes, processing the thought. Ilovedher. I wasinlovewith her.

Fuck. I hadn’t even taken her out on a proper date yet. She deserved better. I’d never been in love before, and I was already messing this up. At least I’d fix that tonight. I’d been planning this date for weeks, and it was finally here.

“What’s that look?” James asked, poking at my shoulder. His eyes widened. “Youdolove her, don’t you?”

“Shut up.” I shoved at him. I didn’t want to admit it to anyone but Ella. The girl who was currently backstage, helping organize all of her sorority sisters.

The rest of the event passed in a blur of pink and sorority girls, but I wasn’t paying attention to any of them. I was replaying the same thought in my mind.Love.Love. IlovedElla.

I’d already had plans for tonight, but should I tell her? Or was it too soon?

Suddenly, there she was, standing in front of me.

“Hi.” Ella had pulled on a cardigan, her heavy winter coat draped over her arm, and her face bright—like she’d just been smiling and laughing with the other girls.

“Hey, Princess.” I held open my arms for her, feeling whole as she walked into them.

“You didn’t have to spend that much,” Ella said, dropping her face into my chest.

“Except I did,” I said, curling my hand around her. Besides, I had plenty of money. Even if I never worked a day in my life, I’d never want for anything, but I still wanted to build my own legacy. Make my own way in life, independent of my family’s wealth or my father’s business. I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable ofmore.

Feeling so much love bursting through my veins, and Iwanted to tell her, wanted her to know—but did she feel the same way?

Was this as serious for her as it was for me? We still had a year left in college, and we hadn’t discussed our futures together. Not yet.

I didn’t want to spook her. Needed to make sure she was on the same page as me before I asked her to stay with me.

“Well, thank you. We beat last year’s record.”

I brushed the bangs away from her face. “Of course you did.” I dropped a kiss to her forehead.

“Want to get out of here?”

“Yeah?” She waggled her eyebrows. “Where are we going?”

I grinned. “On a date.”

Thankfully, I’d planned tonight out already, because after my realization earlier, it mattered even more.