Page 81 of The Ever Queen

Webs of cobbled roads wove around cottages and taverns. Mighty stone archways marked each curve of the roads, and powerful waterfalls spilled over the rocky ledges. The verdant hill which embraced the tiered levels of the palace brightened under the beams of sunlight, like the royal city was celebrating the return of its king.

“This is the royal city,” I said, slipping my arm through the bend of my father’s elbow. I let my head fall to his shoulder. “It’s . . . it’s home, Daj.”

He dropped his chin, eyes closed, for a breath. Then took hold of my hand on his arm and lifted my knuckles to his lips. “I know.”

“It does not mean I have not missed you all horribly,” I whispered, mortified by the fearful tremble in my voice. “It does not—nor could it—lessen how much I love—”

“Livia.” My father pulled me into his arms, holding me against his chest. “I know.”

A thousand unspoken words lived in such a simple statement—he knew what it was like to take on the burden of a kingdom. He knew what it was like to give your heart and soul to another.

He knew I was no longeronlyhis daughter.

“Coaches are waiting, love.” Erik’s low timbre took me from my father’s arms.

With a touch of hesitation, the Ever King eyed the Night Folk king, then held out a hand for me.

On the outside, the moment was simple. To me, it was pivotal. A moment where I released my grip on my father, my people, and took hold of the man who’d come to own every facet of my soul.

Erik understood it and squeezed my palm in reassurance as we made our way to the plank.

Daj understood it and kept several paces behind me, joining Stieg and the others, like he’d accepted a new place where he could keep a wary eye on his girl, while letting her step into her own power.



There weredifferences between this arrival and the time I’d stepped into the main palace hall for the first time. It wasn’t that I now clung to Erik Bloodsinger with ease instead of fear, it wasn’t that the coaches had driven both sea fae and earth fae into the gates, it was a feeling in the palace.

Somber and joyful, tenuous and bright. As though courtiers and villagers were pleased with the arrival of the royal ship, but they knew what it meant—more battles were coming.

Alistair awaited us in the wide hallway, pompous as ever, ill-fitted in his blue silken doublet and trousers, but there was a twitch to his thin lips when Erik barged through the doors. The old steward bowed at the waist.

“Welcome home, My King.” Alistair’s dull eyes landed on our entangled hands. “And to you, My Queen.”

My heart fluttered when more than one courtier loitering in the hall bent at the knees or waist. A few witches and sirens studied Jonas, Sander, and Aleksi. When he’d arrived, Alek had been a source of curiosity and attraction to many of the folk in the royal court. Now, there were more earth princes to ogle.

When Jonas gave up his cunning half grin, the courtiers snickered and bunched together with their hushed delight, hiding their plump lips behind their satin gloves.

Folk hushed at the sight of Stieg and my father.

A few murmurs ofearth benderrumbled over the stones of the hall.

I’d hardly thought long on the truth that Valen Ferus was a killer of an Ever king, nor how the people of the royal city would react to his presence.

Erik was unbothered, ignoring most who greeted us, and spoke quickly to Alistair. “We have guests, visiting royalty. See to it they’re fitted into suitable chambers.”

The old steward blustered. “Perhaps, My King, and this is merely an idea, a suggestion, one might send a note to announce vast royalty would be in attendance.”

“Alistair,” Erik said, voice smug. “Did you not chatter my ear off before all this wretchedness began about how the palace would be ready to accommodate earth fae?”

“That does not sound like me.”

Erik leaned closer. “See to it, or shall I have someone else oversee the task?”

“Threats are useless, Highness. Banish me all you please, I’ll not comply. By the by, before you all retire, and—gods, I beg of you—go wash, I thought our Lady of the Ever might wish to see something.”

Lady of the Ever. I swallowed through the knot in my throat.