Page 45 of The Ever Queen

But the moment we heard the news, both Silas and I felt the same pull that this was part of a new path of fate. We both had the same thought:

A heart stolen by hate and pain finds love unbending in his claim.

There is more to this tale, my love. Stay vigilant, stay strong. I have a feeling our eyes will soon be opened.


I read the missive once more before returning it to the princess. “You believe this speaks of me and Livia?”

Mira nodded. “You have claimed her heart, Bloodsinger. I think you claimed it ten turns ago. You know, when I saw you at the masque, I felt the draw you had to Liv. I even told her. I did not want to believe anything good could come from this, but . . . I have seen you here. The way you speak, the way you demand, all of it is only to find her. You are ready to slaughter your own people.”

“Those who took her are not my people.”

“You know what I mean.” The princess fiddled with the laces of the bodice. “I trust you. When we have Livia, when we return, you shall have another voice to speak for you. That’s all I wanted you to know.”

Gods, I hated moments as this. All I wanted was to be left alone with the remnants of my scabrous heart, perhaps wallow a bit in the misery, then dream up more ways to destroy those who’d kept my songbird from me. Now, I was here, and Livia would curse me if I did not acknowledge I had some sort of ability to feel.

I winced at the burn in my hip and faced the princess. “Turnsout, you are rather useful. Your illusion magic is impressive.”

“I’m taking that compliment as your declaration of our undying friendship.”

“A foolish thing to do.”

“Far too late, Bloodsinger. It is done.” Mira’s face sobered. “Thank you. For fighting for her.”

“Even if you were the one who took her first, you bastard,” Jonas shouted. “Everyone seems to forget that detail.”

I rolled my eyes, turning back to the sea while three princes joined. Tait and Celine kept a step away, but slowly, much the same as Livia, the earth fae royals were finding a place among sea fae.

Except for Mira and Tait. The princess placed a great deal of distance between herself and my cousin the moment lanternlight revealed his features.

Celine snorted. “The sea singer effects are well gone, earth fae. Unless you’re worried there might be more reason—”

“Tidecaller,” Tait was the one who interjected.

“I assure you, there is nothing that draws me to Hearttalker—”

“Heartwalker,” Tait corrected as he yanked out one of his paper herb smokes.

“The only thing I’m grateful for is the man had the decency to keep his hands to himself.” Mira let out a huff of irritation. “You said yourself, Celine, it was unavoidable.”

“True, but it was amusing.” Tidecaller leveraged onto the rail, her legs dangling over the edge.

“We’re close to this Tower?” Sander asked. He unrolled a map of the Ever onto the deck.

“Aye,” I said. “We’ll be there well before sunrise.”

Sander poked his head over the rail. “There are many lush isles here, but near the Tower, it says we meet Ice Fjords?”

Seas around the House of Mists were more like thick, fog-soaked swamps. In the distance, rolling isles shaped against the horizon. Trees with coiled trunks and leaves so lush they blotted out the heavens in great canopies of green lined the shores of the territory.Rivers and ponds and marshes with colorful sea birds and scaled creatures that took to both water and land lived in every township.

Herbs and stones and crystals were aplenty in the House of Mists. A perfect residence for the witches and spell casters of the sea.

“The Ice Fjords are white stone,” I said. “Not truly made of ice.”

“Alek told us some of these noble houses did not take too kindly to the idea of a queen,” Jonas said. “Do you think they had anything to do with this?”

“It would be a bold move, a first. No king of the Ever has been overthrown. Not even an attempt.”