Page 23 of The Ever Queen

“Bloodsinger sees you as his perfect possession. All his.” Larsson dragged his lips over the edge of my jaw. “He said it more than once. I wonder if his desire to fight for you would dull if I claimed his little earth fae for myself.”

No, gods.

Larsson used his legs to slip between mine, spreading my thighs. I screamed under his hand when he bit my neck. Hard. His tongue lapped at a dribble of blood from the wound, and his free hand gathered my skirt in bunches.

No. No, he was going to rape me. He’d mark me. Leave a brand for Erik, for me, to always see.

Larsson’s hand slid beneath my dirty skirt. “I think I will carve my name right here, Lady.”

He cupped me between my legs. His fingers trying to force their way into my entrance.

Breathe. Focus.

Erik’s darkness was my light. He was mine. If his heart was mine, then so was his viciousness.

With my body entangled, arms and legs trapped by Larsson’s weight, all I had were my teeth. I bit down on his ear with such force the harsh tang of blood spilled over my tongue almost instantly.

Larsson roared in pain. His hands slid from my center. My dress fell back into place. I grunted and winced at his flailing hands, striking me in the ribs, the face, the breasts, the skull.

I closed my eyes and bit harder.

In a fierce yank, Larsson pulled back, his hand clutching the side of his head. Blood dribbled over my lips. Something fleshy and solid danced over my tongue. Gods. Oh, gods. My insideslurched, readying to retch, when I opened my lips and a clump of something mangled and bloody slipped from my mouth.

A piece . . . a piece of his ear. I’d bitten off part of his damn ear.

“You bitch!” Larsson roared and his fist collided with my face.

I crumpled. Black spots danced in the corners of my eyes. The pain didn’t stop. He kicked, hit. He was going to kill me.

I love you, Serpent. Destroy him for me.

Larsson kicked his boot against my ribs, and I fell face down on the cold stone. Another slam of his boot to my belly, and I retched. Then, it stopped.

My mind was muddy, and I wanted nothing more than to slip into the oblivion grasping at me from the shadows. I coughed, too numb to truly feel the pain. Voices came in the interlude. Murky sounds, like they were buried within a stormy current.

My head throbbed, but the longer I was left in peace, the clearer the voices became.

“Quit battering her.” Fione’s voice broke through the brutality. “Hesh sent a report on Bloodsinger.”

Larsson’s heavy steps abandoned my side. His absence bolstered enough courage to crack my eyes. A haze clouded my vision, but I could make out just enough to see Fione’s dark, crimson lips.

“Gods, what were you thinking?” Fione inspected Larsson’s ear.

“Tried to reason with the whore,” he lied. “She attacked. Ask one of the elven if there are shackles, and why the hells is she still on the side of Erik Bloodsinger!”

“Give it time to fade.”

Their voices dissolved when the door slammed. I rolled on my back, skull throbbing, body aching. How long I remained unmoving, I didn’t know. From the narrow washroom attached to the bedchamber, a single ribbon of misty night flowed over my head.

I squinted, uncertain if I was seeing correctly. It looked like Skadi’s mists.

Then, it was gone.

Another breath and a loud clatter jolted me into sitting. Mybattered bones protested, but I looked over my shoulder at the washroom.

“Godsdammit, what is . . .shit. What is this?” A man’s voice murmured and cursed.

I struggled to my knees but could not manage to stand before the door creaked and a face peered from the washroom.