Page 165 of The Ever Queen

A thousand turns would not be enough with her, but it would be a start.

While our people cheered and awkwardly came together, houses joined and all, I brushed Livia’s hair from her eyes and smiled.

Without words, only using what was felt, I whispered.Hello, love.

Livia’s eyes burned in a new heat.Hello, Serpent.

The Nightmare Prince

It’d beenages since I’d walked the halls of my own damn palace. Most often, I had a great deal of fun whenever we returned from the Crimson Festival. Hells, I’d even planned to irritate Sander by flaunting our heroics once we’d determined to break out the Ever King and fight beside sea fae.

This return, nothing about it was as I imagined.

Doubtless, nothing about life wouldbeas I imagined after tonight.

I hesitated at the door leading into the wide chamber where an expansive inglenook heated the lower levels. Our main city of Klockglas was often cloudy and cold, as were the walls of the palace. Fitting for us royals, since the king manipulated the fears of others and his sons created nightmares.

Still—and I gave credit to my mother entirely—the palace was warm with laughter and loyalty.

I clung to the hope that it would remain after I admitted to my mother and father what I had done.

I’d sent word to the Ever already, so they wouldn’t be surprised when I returned. Once details were confessed, Erik would think I’d lost my mind, but he wasn’t a man of many words. In truth, he’d see the merit before Livia.

Livie would be like my mother—I could feel it in my gut—but she had no damn room to protest. She’d bleeding fallen in love and in bed with the man who kidnapped her and planned to murder her father.

Not one bit of room to protest.

I blew out a breath and entered without a sound. As a son of thieves, I’d long ago learned how to move like shadows. I was glad for it, not being noticed, for it gave me pause to take in what I loved most about the palace.

Sander, well into being healed, picked at a few dried currants while he read something new about sea fae sent from the witches. He was the one I worried about most. Perhaps he’d see this as a betrayal.

Then again, my twin was the more forgiving one of us.

I watched my parents for a heartbeat or two. I’d always thought my mother was the most beautiful woman. Fiery hair she kept a little wild, a smile that was equal parts devious and loving. She was laughing, the way she always did when my father whispered in her ear—head back, eyes squeezed shut.

Even Daj smiled. Kase Eriksson was who I aspired to be, different as we were.

Where I loved to attend the masques and have plenty of company, my father would be content to never leave this palace or see another soul beyond his family ever again. A possible exaggeration; he’d nearly torn the Kunglig palace apart—or so I was told—when Livia was taken, then once more when he learned his sons had disappeared.

He was close to every royal house in our realms. He simply enjoyed grumbling about them.

With one arm draped around my mother’s shoulders, he pulledher close, all so he could press a kiss to her temple, again and again, like he could not get enough of her. It was a bond I’d never really thought about having.

Until now, when I knew I certainly wouldneverhave it.

I cleared my throat.

“Jonas. Come sit with us.” My mother patted the place beside her. “I’ve missed you too much.”

“Not as much as Daj, I’m sure.” I shoved my father’s shoulder as I strode past.

“Frankly, I don’t know why you’re still here,” my father said, a sly grin on his face. “I thought I made it clear that I enjoyed the empty halls and alone time with your mother.”

“Please, contain yourself.” I sat on a bench across from them and wove my fingers together, gaze locked on the threads of the woven rug beneath my boots.

“Jonas?” My mother tilted her head to one side. “Are you all right?”

“I have something I must tell you. All of you.”