Page 96 of The Ever Queen

“Why so protective of the shadow woman then?” Sander asked. “Right? You said she seemed to be trapped as well.”

“The secrets surrounding Skadi are vast,” I admitted. “Larsson had less interest in her but had a bit of power over her through his elven cousin.” My pulse grew to a frantic rhythm. “There is something about that isle that keeps Skadi compliantandArion invested in Larsson’s victory. Before she was commanded to aid in the removal of the heartbond, she told Arion he broke some kind of agreement.”

“You don’t have a guess as to what it could be?” Erik asked.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. “No. But Skadi was furious with him and Larsson. She protested the removal, tried to get them to stop when she saw how he . . . carved into me.”

Erik took hold of my hand, but I could not help but notice how his other palm rubbed his chest.

I squeezed my eyes, a phantom ache in my heart. “Skadi was frightened about stealing the bond through pain.”

“She must be powerful if she can take a bond from the blood,” Sander said, his voice hurried with excitement.

“I think it is more that she can take matter. That’s how she put it,at least. She said magic, mystical as it is, still has a physicality to it. A remnant she can find and take.”

“Interesting. You said she was somewhat kind to you?”

“She was kind, but something changed. It was like she was lost inside herself, colder, aloof. I didn’t learn much more since Gavyn found me after that.”

I shot to my feet, pacing.

“Liv,” Mira reached an arm out, a gentle smile on her face. “What has you uneasy?”

“Skadi is important to both Larsson and Arion. Perhaps she is not a vital piece in this battle for the Ever, but they have need of her magic. It’s dark, almost like your daj.” I looked to Jonas and Sander. Their father was made of shadows when he stepped deeply into his power.

Melancholy quiet descended over the room. I sat back beside the king. Erik gripped my hand, and every few moments he’d trace his thumb over my knuckles and back again, as though the motion soothed his own discontent.

“We need to understand what Larsson has at his disposal, whether it is with this woman, the elven prince, or even the sea witch,” Aleksi said.

Tavish had been silent for most of the conversation, but he cleared his throat. His fingers tapped against his thighs. “What if you could parlay with the bastard?”

Erik narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know what the hells you’re talking about, Tavish. I will not speak peacefully with Bonekeeper. The next time we meet, it will be with my blade down his throat.”

“Might help to get a glimpse at his plans. Ruffle him a bit, bite at his pride, so he comes against you, and we finish this damn fight.”

“Larsson wants Erik dead,” I snapped. “He won’t meet peacefully.”

“Ah, but there are ways to connect two minds, My Queen. He would meet him without the ability to be harmed.”

“By the gods.” Gavyn’s eyes widened. “You’re talking about Mindtaker.”

“Shit.” Erik cursed and rose to his feet. “Avaline.”

“What is it?” I tugged on his wrist. “Who is Avaline?”

Erik’s eyes burned—embers against gold. “Joron’s daughter.”

“And why are we needing this child, girl, woman?” Jonas asked.

“Woman.” Erik scrubbed his hands down his face. “She has a rare sea voice.”

“She’s a damn frightening sea witch,” Tavish said bitterly. “Joron always takes pride in the voices of his house being tide workers, not witches. Yet he refuses to allow her to grow in the House of Mists. He keeps her for himself and rarely lets her see the daylight.”

“Mindtaker.” I mulled the word over my tongue. “So, does she have an ability like Tait where he reads the heart?”

“Almost,” Tavish said. “Her spells allow one to overtake another’s mind. Rather frightening when you think of it.”

“I’ve no doubt if Joron has used his girl to slip through a mind or two,” Erik said. “He is notorious for believing everyone wishes to assassinate him.”