Page 148 of The Ever Queen

“Earth Bender.” Celine groaned. “You’re going to make her eyes run.”

I blinked, dabbing at the corner of my eyes. “I’m fine. Ready?”

Sander came for Mira, Aleksi for Celine. Jonas kept a step behind us, hair damp and styled, a dark tunic with runes stitched along the hem, and a bit somber. Daj suspected he was anxious to return home. Despite hisneach-daibond to the Ever, Jonas, like the rest of us, missed our homeland, our other people.

Still, it was odd to see Sander as the boisterous twin and Jonas lost in thought.

Already, nightfall was upon us, and the palace was glittering in golden light and savory scents from banquet tables lining the edges of the great hall. Window panes were cracked, letting in the night air, thick with sea spray and honey blooms from the gardens.

My hair was tied in an intricate plait, and my gown swished around my ankles, a skirt of liquid silver. The doors groaned upon our arrival. Alistair smacked a wooden stick along the stone floor, announcing, “The Ever Queen.”

A cinch in my chest stilled my heart. Folk from every noble house spun to the doorway. Sirens with their dark eyes, Ever Crew with their newly trimmed beards and waist sashes, fae from far seas and near. Murmurs slowed, then as gentle as a calm wave, heads bowed, knees bent, and I wanted to flee.

Until sunset eyes caught mine from the dais.

Erik stood in front of our thrones. His black shirt as deep as the night, his hair free and wild around his face, and a subtle, devious grin painted over his lips. The grin I knew, if he could enter my private thoughts, he would be forcing out a flush from the most salacious of words.

He was my king. He was my safety. He was my home.

My father handed Erik my palm. For a moment the two former enemies held the gaze of the other. Then, my daj clasped forearms with the Ever King, a tilt to his head, a gleam to his dark eyes thatspoke of acceptance, and the warning of a father to care for his daughter.

“Folk of the Ever,” Alistair called. “Rise for your king and queen.”

Seats in the hall skidded as folk rose. Mira remained close to Celine and took a place near Gavyn and Sewell. Steig stood beside my father and the three earth fae princes.

Tait kept close to the king. Heartwalker would likely always remain surly, but there was a new lightness in his stance. For turns he’d been aloof and estranged from his cousin. It was as though our battles, our victory had, at long last, allowed the cousins permission to be the brothers they once were.

I’d even caught Tait laughing outside our chamber doors as he spoke to Erik in the corridor.

Avaline was there, dressed in a gown as gold as the sunrise. Color stained her cheeks, and her eyes took in the palace walls with a bit of awe.

Joron had appeared in court, doubtless rather reluctantly, but he’d been promised to reunite with his daughter and so he did. To find her less than enthusiastic to return to her rooms in the House of Tides was not our trouble. Already, Erik demanded should the Lady Avaline wish to remain at court for a time, the palace gates would welcome her.

Narza and the House of Mists were grouped near the back in their deep shades of doublets and gowns and sea foam hair. The Lady of Witches kept close to Maelstrom. Tavish a step behind, Catriona and their three children gathered around them.

Alistair took his place in front of the crowd. “Folk of the Ever, never have we held a title of queen. Such a thing might once have been considered a great weakness, but Livia of House Ferus, of the folk in the earth realms, has proven how it is nothing short of a fierce strength.”

Erik squeezed my palm, studying the faces in the crowd as Alistair went on.

“When our folk should have been enemies, you healed our lands. You continue to heal them.”

I swallowed and dipped my chin. The darkening was far from healed. But already we’d met with leaders and high voices of the isles throughout the kingdom, determining which corners of the kingdom were in the fiercest need.

“But above it all, you have shown us how a queen will fight as valiantly as the king for our people.” Alistair puffed out his chest, gesturing toward a guard to step forward. A wooden box, edged in gold, was held out. “As the first Ever Queen, accept your crown from our king, your mate.”

Erik abandoned his throne and lifted the top of the box. There was no rule to this ceremony, but the confidence in his stride, the lift of his shoulders, Erik Bloodsinger made it seem as though crowning a queen was a thing that had always been done.

A few gasps fluttered through the hall when Erik carefully took to one knee at my feet. No doubt it would take a bit of time for folk of the Ever to grow accustomed to their king’s devotion to another.

I smiled, pleading with my damn tears to keep steady when Erik held out the box for me to see.

“I took the liberty of fashioning your crown, love,” he said, voice soft and secret, only meant for me.

“I knew you had a plan. Alistair lied for you.”

A huff came from the steward, but nothing more.

On a cushion of satin, a thin circlet was lined in filigree meant to look like wisps of ivy and leaves. Within the gold, much like the blood crown, a dash of crimson flowed as though alive.