They stood there, holding each other, needing this closeness… until she finally angled her neck to look up at him and he was there, leaning close to kiss her. There was such a sweetness to his kiss, a gentleness that spoke to her in a way that just fit.

Oh, she remembered dating… those brief stolen kisses from shy boys, the sloppy passionate ones given by imbeciles that thought you had to do a tonsillectomy for a kiss to count. Then there were those gentle kisses that made you reach for more, or smile.

Every kiss was different.

Jack’s used to make her reach for him, wanting to be close or cuddle…

Will’s kiss spoke straight to her soul.

His lips brushed against hers, coaxing a response that she happily answered silently. He kissed with his heart, treasuring her, loving her, and needing to convey silently that she was the only one for him.

“I love you,” he breathed gently against her lips. “Whatever this is beginning between us, I want to see it through to the end.”

“I do too,” she admitted softly, twining her arms around his neck to hold him against her.

“Be patient with me,” he urged tenderly, and she felt his lips curl against hers. “… But nottoopatient.”

“Good thing for you that I’m not a patient person,” she countered playfully, marveling at his husky laugh. “I hope you want children someday. I’m not getting any younger.”

“Could you be any more perfect for me? This has to be a dream – and if so, please do not wake me up anytime soon.”

They laughed softly together, pressing their foreheads against each other’s, and spoke softly in a private conversation that desperately needed to be addressed, one that she’d been worried to touch on.

“So kids, huh?”

“I’ve always wanted a family…”

“Me too.”

“I don’t want either of us to give up our lives that we’ve built so hard over the years.”

“What if we are bothflexible and figure it out?”

“What do you mean?”

“When I’ve got to take a ship out, you could come with me…”

“And if we have children or somehow manage to…”

“We’re going to make this work,” he interrupted softy. “I know you could do so much better than a scarred man who has nothing, but I’m not a quitter.”

“Neither am I.”

“Then if we have a little one, we bring them – or it gives me a reason to hurry home.”

“To my home, right?”

“I would never make you give up your place – nor your career.”

“I suppose I could bring a laptop with me so I could get some work done?”

“Perhaps I’ll get a larger battery pack or smuggle a generator on board, so my wife has a place to charge her laptop while I romance her under the moonlight,” he crooned softly, dropping several sweet kisses on her lips and cheeks.

“Now you’re talking…” she laughed throatily.

“Does the idea of electricity get you all charged up?”

“Punny… very punny indeed.”