“Yes, really,” he answered tenderly, meeting her eyes. “I’m at a point where I want someone in my life that wants to be there.”

“Idowant to be there, Will… I’m just frightened that it will fall apart or that something will happen, and we’ll end up croaking out here.”

“Then we talk, work at it together – and swim.”

He saw her hesitate – and smiled.

“What?” he prompted softly, marveling at the miracle before him.

“Can we talk more in the safety of your cabin? Or perhaps at our spot at the back of the ship under the moonlight?”


“Then let’s go,” she urged, and smiled shyly at him. “I guess I need a basic swimming lesson.”

“Lesson one,” he acknowledged, meeting her smile. “Kick with your legs to propel you while pulling your arms through the water. Watch me…”



Everythingin her was sagging in relief and exhaustion by the time they got back to the ship. They had swum together for what felt like hours, moving slowly through the water. She knew that Will was deliberately staying at her side the entire time. He had jumped in after her, abandoning his ship to save her, and wouldn’t leave her side – speaking loudly to her heart and soul.

… And it had completely bowled her over.

There in the middle of the ocean, where seemingly it was the worst place to discuss their future, only for it to be the best. All obstacles and interruptions were gone. Instead, it was two beings now alone, dependent on each other, to get through this – and Will was reaching for her in the only way he knew how.

Asking what I want for breakfast after we’re married,she mused, chuckling, as she pulled herself up the rope ladder.Her arms strained and shook with the effort, but Will made her go first, waiting. He was always putting her first, even from the very beginning.

He broke his own rules.

Will had sent Marie to help her with her costume, despite being abrupt and brash with everyone to stay in character… simply because she’d asked him – and rather rudely. He offered his own personal, hidden kindle for her entertainment, realizing now that it gave her a glimpse at his character and what he liked. He had exposed his true self, removing his costumed wig at her invitation, just so she could see him - and who he was now, expecting rejection… but had bravely done so anyhow.

He put himself out there - time and time again – and she recognized it now.

As Calista got on deck, someone tried to pull her away, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders… but she didn’t move. She stayed there, beside the ladder, waiting and watching for Will. He climbed up slowly, and she saw the lines of fatigue on his beloved face as he reached the top.

She threw her arms around him, uncaring if they had an audience, and kissed him briefly, before hugging him again. His arms tightened around her, holding her close, as he put his head against hers. She closed her eyes at the feeling of wholeness, perfection, that the simple embrace brought… and realized that this was home.

He was everything to her.

Calista was never pushing back or ever letting go again. Jack had been taken from her much too soon, and she would never risk letting a moment of happiness slip through her fingers from today on.

“Is Purple in the brig?” Will asked simply, notletting go of her as he pulled the blanket a little closer around her shoulders.

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you…”

“Law enforcement and Coast Guard have already been contacted,” Jared interrupted Will, catching her attention as she backed away slightly, only so she could look at the two of them talking. “They’ll be waiting for your statements and will take her into custody.”

“She’s sick,” Calista said quietly, feeling like she should defend the girl, but another part of her was much less forgiving. She didn’t want anyone else to suffer if the woman was mentally ill.

She was very lucky that Will had seen what had happened, jumping in after her so quickly. What if it had been a child – or had been a minute longer? She might not be standing here today… and that made a fragile part of her soul hurt. She could have lost her chance at happiness today, and already knew what that felt like first-hand.

Calista tightened her grip where her arm encircled Will’s waist.

“She needs help,” Calista urged, repeating herself… only to feel Will kiss her forehead near her hairline.