“The Happy Pappywon’t sink.”

“The whuuut?” she drawled in disbelief, chuckling. “Did you just call this Titanic-esque nightmare…The Happy Pappy?”

“The Titanic sunk, miss.”

“Precisely what I’m getting at.”

“Ain’t no icebergs here…”

“This ship’s in good condition.”

“Compared to what?” she retorted, looking at the ship again. “A raft made with popsicle sticks by a kindergartner?”

“That’s a little harsh,” the man wearing the eyepatch glared at her. “I’ll have you know, I scrape the barnacles every year happily, and there’s no holes on this ship… and she’s a might better than popsicle sticks.”

“What am I even doing here?” she laughed in disbelief, watching as the first man started up a rope and board ladder that was hanging on the side of the vessel.

“The captain will explain everything once you meet the rest of the crew.”

“There’s a crew on here?”

“We’re the crew… and can I get you to autograph my book while you are here?”

“Sure,” she said absently, staring in horror as her newest Fanboy with no leg stood up and moved to the ladder without any hesitation. She didn’t want to say anything to make him feel bad, but could he actually climb it?

That left her stuck here with the angriest looking Popeye that she’d ever met… who was currently glaring at her.

“Whatever you’re thinking,” he whispered quietly, pointing at the man struggling to climb with his prosthetic leg. “Don’t say it. Give him his moment… and his pride. I don’t care if we have to sit here for two hours in silence – am I clear?”

She nodded simply in complete understanding as the man managed to place his prosthetic on each flatwooden rung, slowly making his way up. Finally, the man made it to the top and swung his leg over the railing.

The last occupant of the boat, or dinghy, she was on, nudged her forward.

“Your turn.”

“I’m good,” she muttered flatly, crossing her arms.

“Let me guess – you’re afraid of ladders and heights, too.”

“No. I’m simply not going. I have deadlines to meet and…”

“Maybe you don’t get what is happening?” he grumbled, glaring at her. “You’ve been kidnapped. So you are getting on the ship, picking a color, and you’ll be here for the seven days that is…”

“I can’t be here for seven days!”

“Should have told that to your benefactor – because we aren’t letting you off or returning you home until next Sunday. Now, you are the last person to board, and we are waiting on you to get this show started.”

“Started…with what?What do you mean ‘benefactor’…”

“Get moving and find out,” he ordered, and glanced upwards – just in time for Calista to do the same, narrowly escaping from being hit with a thick rope directly on the head as it was tossed over the side.

“Problems, Jared?” a voice called out.

“No, sir, captain. Our last member is on the way!” he hollered and glared at her again. “MOVE! I need to stow the dinghy so we can get underway.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
