“Hey, at least I didn’t do like Austin did last week…”

“Ugh, don’t remind me!” Chase muttered.

“You didn’t catch any of what the chief just said?” Justin muttered, frowning and kicking Kyle under the table that they were all sitting at.

“I heard him say ‘You guys can eat while you listen’… so I’m eating,” Kyle whined, shoveling in a massive bite. “And listening. I’m listening, too. Can you pass the butter?”

“What about the listening part?” Chase uttered. “With them big ol’ ears you should have…”

“I just said…” Kyle choked out openly, chewing with his mouth full and talking at the same time, trying to keep anything from falling out.

Man, whoever made the chili this morning – it was fantastic!he thought wildly, stirring his bowl and reaching for the package of cheese once again.

“Did you have something you wanted to add, Rimes?”Fire chief Reese Carpenter said quietly, in a voice that brooked no argument.

It was said that the chief never yelled, never raised his voice, and commanded respect from his team easily by being in the thick of things with them – and treating them like equals. He liked Chief Carpenter – even if he set him on edge sometimes. The man just had a way of looking right through you…

“No sir!” Kyle said immediately, swallowing his food noisily before smiling and nodding. “I think it’s a great idea.”

“Good – you’re going to be first,” Chief Carpenter said openly, pointing at each man. “Marks, you’re second…”

“Awww man… seriously?” Chase whined immediately, rolling his eyes. “Charity… it’s for charity. You are not a piece of meat to be ogled… it’s not a date. Charity auction, donating time, not anything else… relax and don’t make this weirder than it already is.”

Chase hesitated – and then spoke up.

“Do we really have to do this?”

“Yes,” the chief said quietly, walking around the table as the men looked at each other in alarm, some in confusion, and Chase looked decidedly uncomfortable as Justin turned a weird shade of greenish-white under his tan.

Kyle’s eyes grew wide as Chase slid down even further into his seat, looking almost despondent at the announcement.

What exactly did he get volunteered for – and why would Chase Marks be worried about being ogled like a piece of meat?he wondered silently.

“Olivera, you are third.”

“Does this count as a blind date? Ican check that off my bucket list of strange new things to experience…” Austin grinned and rubbed his hands together. “I do love me some fine Texas women, and I will happily go up on the auction block. Do I have to wear a shirt? Can I show off my muscles? I can oil my abs up and…”

“Blind date? What?Wait– I think Ireallymissed something…” Kyle choked on the bite he’d just taken, spewing little pieces of cornbread – which everyone picked up off the table and threw at him at once.

“Dailey… you’re fourth…”

“Sir, respectfully, can I just volunteer my time? I’m still reeling and going through recovery from my divorce… and I’d rather not be auctioned off for a dinner date.”

“When the person bids on you, you are welcome to discuss your evening plans with the person. They will be made aware ahead of time of the rules and what lines not to cross. No kissing, touching, harassing, no sexual misconduct…”

“WHAT?” Kyle choked again, his eyes bugging out of his skull at the strange conversation that he was suddenly a part of.

This time, Austin slapped him hard on the back several times while Chase threw a paper towel at him, landing in his bowl of chili.

“Pennington… you’re fifth. I will even participate and volunteer as the sixth person on the auction block, so that gives them plenty of chance to reach their financial goals for the charity event.”

“Whoaaaa boy…” Andy grinned, looking at Chase and saluting him. “I might get my sister to come bid, just so Carpenter can come be my housemaid for the day.”

“I’m not wearing the costume unless there is a reserveon the auction – and it will cost you, kiddo,” the chief grinned… causing several of the men to laugh openly while Kyle looked around in disbelief.

The men started talking around him in a flurry, passing the bag of shredded cheese, the plastic container of chopped onion, and the tote of sour cream around the table, while Kyle was trying to comprehend what had just happened…

The chief leaned down and clapped a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, speaking softly beside his head in a hushed whisper.