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Ginny Sterling


Where all roads end…

Jake Ortega wanted what the other guys on his team in Ghazni had – an easy relationship that just fell in his lap. Everyone knew about the stupid ‘Romeo Curse’ floating around on the base. You take a pen pal, end up with a wife in record time… sunshine, rainbows, care packages, and random trips back to the States with someone who loves you. Yep. He could handle a dose of that, but Fate had other ideas.

A new world begins…

Lena Bow had no idea what to make of the strange request, but hey? If it cut her expenses in half, and put a roof over her head, then perhaps she could finally get a break. All sheneededwas a chance, but what shegotwas completely different.

Macho, arrogant, and stubborn, Jake certainly had a clearlydefined idea of how this partnership was going to go between the two of them… andclearlyhe was wrong.

If up was down and left was right - did that mean ‘Go Away’meant ‘Stay Forever’?



Flyboys are a group of men who thrive on adrenaline, toy with playboy reputations, and a bunch of self-proclaimed misfits.

This sweet romantic series is full of soaring emotions, sweeping intense moments, and loyal friendships that unite the most unlikely characters into an unforgettable love story.


Have you ever dreamed of something bigger? Wanted to escape into a world you never imagined? Wished to travel to another place, meeting the man of your dreams?

If you answered ‘Yes’?

… Then welcome to the intensely sweet romance series, Billionaires of the World. Prepare to get swept away by a Greek shipping tycoon, romanced by a Russian software genius, cuddle with a filthy rich cowboy… and the list goes on an on!

Flirt’s Battalion Sweet Romance Series

Ember Creek, Texas

“I volunteered the entire team, so make sure that your Friday is clear of any activities or events. This is non-negotiable, team, and I really need your help with this charity event. The other shift will be covering for us, and they go up on the auction block this Saturday…” Chief Carpenter said openly, putting his hands on his hips, looking over the table at them.

They’d just gotten back from a roaring blaze that had engulfed a mobile home on the outside of town, and all Kyle could smell was smoke so heavy he could taste it.

It was everywhere, seeping from the pores of his skin and in his clothes, and each of the men at the table reeked of sweat. In fact, several of them had matted down hair that was strange looking because of theirthermal gear and helmets.

Hat-hair,he mused, shoveling another bite in his mouth.

“This isn’t bordering on harassment or some other rule? I mean, I’ve never heard of any job condoning this, and while I know it’s for charity… still,” Justin began nervously. “I mean, are there guidelines to this… mess?”

“Huh?” Kyle said distractedly, reaching for a slice of cornbread. “What’d the chief say?”

“Weren’t you paying attention?” Austin hissed behind his hand. “Dude, this is exciting – and scary!”

“Honestly? Noooo… I’m hungry and we just got back from a run. I can actually smell the chili and the woodsmoke together. It’s not half bad,” Kyle said chewing noisily, before blowing his nose and wincing at the smoke-filled residue he left in the napkin.

“You’re disgusting.”