“You promise?”

“Only if you smile at me, swat my butt, and say ‘I do’…” Jared smiled as someone cleared their throat behind them.

Everyone turned to see Shepherd standing there – waiting.

“Now?!” Marie hissed in shock – and Calista could have cheerfully kissed Will for the way he set down Jack beside her, putting his finger over his lips, and moved to gently take the sleeping baby from Marie. Will looked so good holding an infant in his arms – and she immediately met his knowing smile.

Will nodded, raising an eyebrow in a silent challenge – and she nodded, winking at him as an answer. She would love to have another little one, despite the learning curve each child brought. Jack and Morgan were as different as night and day… and she relished the idea of a third baby.

“You’re on, captain,” she whispered lovingly.

“Daddy – is Uncle Jared in trouble?” Jack asked in a high pitched, loud whisper from beside her chair as the new couple stood up together. “Is Aunt Marie really gonna spank him?”

“He’s probably in more trouble than he realizes,” Will teased, patting Jared on the back and smiling at Marie, before taking his seat back beside Calista. “Front row seats to the show, wife. Isn’t this sweet?”

“Almost as sweet as what’s in your arms.”

“Round three?”

“I’m ready.”

“Daddy, can we get more shells?” Jack interrupted, jumping up and down in frustration. “I wanna go look at the bubbly-thingie again. Mama, tell Daddy to come with me… pleeeease?”

“In a few,” Will said easily, and smiled at her. “Are you sure? I mean, we never get a second of peace anymore.”

“Very sure,” Calista smiled at Will. “I can handle everything you can give me – and my clock is still ticking.”

His sweet laugh and tender smile made her melt as he reached over to link his fingers with hers, holding her hand, while the other arm was cradling Felicity against his chest.

“Guess we better get started before time runs out.”

“Guess so…”

“I’m gonna be in my sixties when they are graduating high school and college.”

“Sexiest gramps I know…”

Will laughed, still uncomfortable about his scars after all these years, and actually blushed.

“I love you,” she whispered tenderly, squeezing his hand gently as Jack struggled to stand still and finally climbed up on Will’s leg to sit down. This was their haven, their life, and their world they’d slowly built ever since that voyage… and it was incredible.

“I love you too, wench.”


What a fun concept!

I loved the idea of doing something different and always trying, reading, or writing new things - and this one had been sitting in a folder, untouched for a few months now. I re-read it… and still loved the premise - so I got the cover made and decided to offer it to you all on Kindle Unlimited.

Growing up, I was surrounded by friends who did LARP-ing… and that was whenSurvivorstarted on television, then came theAmazing Race, and many more shows - and I thought, ‘How fun would this be to mix a romance book with an adventure’… ?

I divided the characters into teams, came up with assignments or projects, and had the entire scenario built long before ever putting in the romance aspect… and like any well defined plan?

It went off the rails.

(… And I loved it)

What did you think of the story?