Will makes me laugh, smile, and is probably the single reason that I want to wake up in the mornings. He’s got the most beautiful laugh that sends a jolt down my spine, eyes that soften when he looks at me, and there is such heaven in his arms that I finally get it. I never understood romance books before, which is why I normally write suspense and horror… but I completely get it now.

He’s my tan-chested, swashbuckling pirate… and forever never felt so good when he just holds my hand.

I love him – and found my soulmate, my Will, thanks to you. Let me know when you are getting off that frozen popsicle at the North Pole, because I cannot wait for you to meet each other in person.

Forever grateful for all the tomorrows I see in his eyes,




Five years later

“Daddy!Daddy! Look, I found a bubble and if you poke it, it wobbles…” Their son, Jack, was jumping up and down with excitement, brandishing a small stick in his hand that he’d been using as a mock-sword for the last ten minutes. Meatloaf was avoiding the rambunctious child, circling and flying overhead.

“Uh oh…” Will whispered, giving her a warm and loving smile. “I better go rescue our scallywag before he gets stung by the jellyfish.”

“Tell him it’s alive, please?”

“I’ve got it, love,” he replied, getting up quickly and kissing her on the forehead before running his hand over their daughter’s hair, where she was nearly sound asleep on the bottle in her arms. “You stay put.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Calista chuckled. “Morgan is finally asleep, and not having afit of colic.”

“Right?” he retorted walking backwards slightly towards their son nearby, blowing her a kiss. Calista watched tenderly as the two dark heads of hair were kneeling down, talking together. Morgan let out a heavy sigh, before working her lips and slipping into sleep once more.

Both of their children were so beautiful, so bright, and reminded her so much of Will it was scary. Jack and Morgan had his brown hair and bright blue eyes. Sometimes Jack would look at her or stand at the helm with his father in the exact same stance, with that mirrored ferocity of the ’dreaded pirate’ Captain Kidd… who was actually a softie when it came to his family.

“So this is where I find my boss and his ‘Mini-Me’ – stabbing jellyfish?” a voice rang out, and she recognized it immediately, looking over her shoulder to see Jared, Marie, and their daughter, Felicity, sound asleep in Marie’s arms.

Marie plopped down in Will’s Adirondack chair beside her – and groaned heavily.

“’Have kids’they said. ‘It’s gonna be fun’… I am here to tell you that having children is a ton more work than advertised, long hours, and miserable pay,” Marie muttered in sheer exhaustion that was written all over her face.

“Do you know what happens when a child that islactose-intolerantgets fedregularformula? Let me share since Jared is not allowed to feed FelicityEVER AGAIN…”she barked loudly at the trio down at the waterfront in frustration. “You get explosive pyroclastic flow of mustard poop from the diaper along with epic screams of gassy pain, in public no less, and on your favorite t-shirt.”

“Oh no,” Calista chuckled painfully in sympathy. “Taylor?”

“Yes!” Marie nearly sobbed. “My concert shirt will never be the same, and is irreplaceable.”

“Like Felicity… and Jared?”

“Do not take his side…”

“I’m not. I promise,” Calista replied immediately, holding up her hands in mock surrender. “I’m just saying that Jared loves you both more than life itself, and I’m pretty sure it was a dumb mistake.”

“That got Taylor poo’d on,” Marie muttered.

“But he’s still here, taking everything you’ve dished out, and watching you with as much intensity as the first time I heard you two were a couple.”


“Happens to the best of us when we find our soulmate.”

“Ughh,” Marie grimaced, making a face as she shifted Felicity against her shoulder. “Next you’ll be saying if he asks me to marry him again – that I should do it.”

“Interesting,” Calista laughed softly, moving Morgan to her shoulder. “I wasn’t going to touch on it, but I’m guessing he said something to you?”