“Nope. That’s not going to do. I want that generator on ship before we leave port, and it’s non-negotiable. Marie wants more fruit, and Calista wants pina coladas served on the last day of every trip – which was also seconded by Marie… yeah, yeah. I agree, Jared. I think they are in cahoots too,” Will grumbled, causing her to smile as she continued to eavesdrop.

He'd been so sweet, so good to her, and was such a joy to be around. Every morning he made coffee and Eggo waffles that they would enjoy on the back deck overlooking the ocean. They took that time to talk about their plans for the day, discussing the upcoming cruise along with the changes they were making for safety’s sake.

She liked being included – and included him in herown world. The impending deadlines didn’t seem so overwhelming anymore because they actually did a loose outline together, plotting out a few twists and turns, marveling at how similar they thought – as well as being surprised a few times. He had a knack for details when it came to creating suspense… but only because he’d lived it during his stint in the Army.

This morning, she was returning emails, and there was certainly plenty of them!

“… I also want someone to pick up a dozen roses,” Will said, in a hushed voice. “Yeah, she’s put up with me for a week now, and I don’t know how she does it – but I’m grateful.”

She smiled, touched, and promised herself that she would act completely surprised when the roses appeared, just so Will would understand how much he meant to her. He always did little things to make her feel special, and while he thought he wasn’t good enough for her?

She vehemently thought otherwise.

Will was incredible.

“Nahhhh,” Will said easily. “Calista’s got a few things to wrap up and then we’ll be ready. Yeah, I’m excited, and I like Marie’s new screening process. She’s really amazing when it comes to seeing how people think and getting a good read on them – even if she messed up when it came to you.”

Calista smothered a laugh and heard Will’s echo loudly.

“I’m just teasing you… no need for name calling, brother. We’ll see you Saturday night for dinner, and the steaks are on me. Yup. Bye.”

She quickly went back to focusing on the email she was sending her sister, Athena, and saw Will walk in the room.

“Hey Honey, the generator will be onboard Saturdayand we’ll be ready to ship out on Monday,” he began, smiling at her. “I hope you are still coming this round.”

“Hmm… let’s see,” she said playfully. “Evenings under the moonlight, no climbing the rigging, firing the cannon, or walking the plank? A cruise where I don’t have to do anything but lounge around in the sun and work on my book?”

“Evenings in our cabin alone,” he murmured, coming up behind her desk chair and hugging her tenderly, before kissing her neck.

“Right?” she breathed. “I’m in, ya’ handsome pirate… take me away. I’m all yours.” He chuckled softly, kissing her once more as she reached up to ruffle his hair – and tensed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t know you were writing your sister.”

“I didn’t know you were reading over my shoulder,” she countered impishly. “I’ve got nothing to hide – in fact, I need a picture of us so I can send it to Athena.”

His face was still, and his eyes glued to the screen… and glossy in disbelief as he slowly looked at her.

“I love you,” she said simply – and clicked send.

“I don’t deserve you, never have and never will,” he said hoarsely. “I will make sure you never regret our days as pirates, our nights with pina coladas, and our world together.”

“Speaking of,” she smiled, knowingly. “I’m not getting any younger and someone promised me a baby at…” her words trailed off as he kissed her, reaching for the tie of her robe.

“And I’ll keep my promises, wench,” he said tenderly. “Just try me.”

“I’m planning on it.”

Dear Athena,

I could be so angry with you right now for having me kidnapped… but you should probably sit down before reading any more of this email.

Thank you.

I owe you everything, because you saved my life and gave me a future I had once thought was gone. I don’t know how else to tell you, but taking that silly pirate cruise was the best thing that could have ever happened… and I met the most amazing man.

I married him, too.