“The ship?” Calista hesitated, realizing this was probably the ship she’d seen on the horizon. “Wait a second… you are kidnapping me to take me to a ship? Is this some sort of weird, underground human trafficking that is still going on in the world?”

“She’s certainly imaginative.”

“I like her.”

“I’ve read her books. She’s super-smart.”

“Wait…what?” Calista interrupted, struggling to sit upawkwardly. “Which one of you – and can you take this blasted hood off of my head? It’s stuffy in here and…”

“We can’t yet, missus. The captain will get really angry if we go out of character before the cruise.”

“I’m going on a cruise?”

“Shaddup, Bo!”

“Have you ever heard of Swashbuckled, Inc.?”


“What? It’s not like she’s not going to know in a few minutes anyhow because I’m telling you – she’s really, really smart.”

“Why thank you, Bo,” Calista said easily, trying to butter herself up to one of the guys simply to get an ally. “Could we please take off this hood because I’m feeling faint.”

“We’ll catch you if you pass out.”

“Gee thanks,” she muttered flatly, realizing that whoever this captain was? He had complete loyalty from his crew – which meant they were either terrified of him or supportive of the man. “Tell me about Swashbuckled, Inc…”

“Well, it’s…”

“BO! Don’t you say another word. Look, I know you mean well, but loose lips sink ships, remember? The captain would do anything for us – and keeping his secrets is all he asked in return. I’m not willing to jeopardize my freedom for her…”

“Is your captain threatening you?”

“No! Never! He protects us…”

“From what?”

“We’re done talking – and you are about to meet the rest of the crew, so you can be assigned your color.”

“My… what?”

Silence greeted her and she hesitated a few moments before repeating herself.

“What am I going to be assigned? Did you say I’m going to be assigned a color?” she paused. “Am I getting the silent treatment now? After everything?Nowyou are choosing to be quiet?”

The boat rocked hard as it bumped into something, nearly upsetting her back onto the flooring… she hoped. A pair of hands steadied her as she sat up again – and her feet were freed.

Wherever they’d been headed, they had finally arrived.

Her hands were freed, and Calista jerked the hood off of her head. The bright sunlight caused her to squint and wince at the sudden change, but only moments passed as she saw massive wooden planks before her, running horizontal to the water…

This was the hull of a ship.

Calista stared in shocked disbelief, slowly dragging her eyes upwards. There were three massive masts that loomed upwards to the sky – complete with a Crow’s Nest like in the movies. Rigging made of rope crosshatched the expanse down to another beam, and there was a wooden railing that ran the length of the ship.

A very old looking wooden ship that creaked and groaned in the water.

“I’m not getting on that…” she sputtered in shock. “It looks like it’s ready to sink, and once more for the record? – I’m scared of drowning.”