… And he wasn’t mistaken.

Almost three hours later, Calista was panicking as the taxicab pulled to a stop in front of a soft blue house with white shutters. It had taken time for the ship to move into place, then arrange for a cab for the drive out to her home… only to realize with dawning awareness what they had done by kidnapping her.

She didn’t have a key.



Stepping out of the cab,Calista was pretty sure she wanted to scream at someone… and quite possibly vomit at the same time. Her home, her things, her identification, and all her possessions had been left unattended for almost a week now.

… With the door unlocked.

William was hunched over, paying the driver, when he suddenly stood up and looked at her with dawning awareness.

“You don’t have a key, do you?” he asked.

“Oh don’t worry,” she said in a falsetto voice. “It’s been unlocked for six days, so I’ll be happy if my things are still inside…” she finished flatly, in a tone that sounded sharp, even to her.

Calista sighed.

“I’m sorry – it’s just that perhaps next time you agree to some sortof fiasco like kidnapping…”

“I’m not doing this again.”

“…Then perhaps you give the ‘victim’ a chance to secure the premises?” she continued, ignoring his interruption. “Luckily, I never use the front door and only leave through the garage – or walk out onto the dunes.”

“Where they found you,” Will said grimly in awareness.

“Yup. The back door has been unlocked this whole time – so let’s see if there’s a new tenant… or if my laptop is gone.”


“Look, Will,” she interrupted again. “I’m just a ball of nerves, and this is the cherry on top of the cake. I know it’s not your fault, but it sorta is too… by working with my sister to do this. Jared, Shepherd, and Bo really should know better. I think I just want to plop down on the couch and breathe for a moment. It’s been an eventful week,” she gushed, hoping he understood just how overwhelmed she felt in this moment.

Her home, her things, were the only security she had left… before him. Things had been rough after Jack’s death. Her laptop, which held her manuscripts, her hard drive, even her contracts, were all inside – and that was her only sort of income. It never even dawned on her that it was all unlocked until now… and she felt like an idiot at the realization.

Will looked unsure of himself, like he was half-torn between calling the taxi once more, or hugging her.

“… Annnnd I’m letting my imagination run away from me,” she drawled openly, holding out her hand to him.

Sometimes you had to be the bigger person and swallow what you truly wanted to say deep down inside. She was happy with him, but not very happy right now.

None of that would change the fact that she loved him.

You could absolutely love someone and be frustrated with them at the same time. She knew that, but wasn’t so sure the man before her that was self-conscious about his scars and afraid of rejection did. As Will took her hand silently, she plastered a tired smile on her face.

“Come,” she invited. “Let’s check it out, and I’ll make us some hot tea or coffee.”

He didn’t move as he stood there, his eyes searching hers before he spoke.

“I’m going to make mistakes,” he said hoarsely. “I’m going to let you down or forget something…”

“Will, I’m going to stop you right there,” she interrupted, moving to hug him close, clinging to him and hoping he understood what was pouring out of her mouth. “We aren’t even inside yet and barely have been on land for an hour. We have to trust each other. We need to trust that the other person can talk and let it all out, but most of all, if we are going to make this marriage work? I need you to understand that if I am having a rough moment or a bad day – that I’mturningto you – because Iloveyou,” she said emphatically. “I’vechosenyou to be in my life. I’m going to make mistakes too… but that feeling isstillthere – no matter what.”

“You could still do better than me,” he whispered against her hair emotionally.

“I don’t think I can – because you are everything I could want.”