Waking early the next morning,Will curled up against Calista and treasured her soft sigh of contentment. He never imagined loving someone would be so beautiful and so overwhelming at the same time. He would do anything to make this woman smile at him for just a moment.

Their nervousness had been so unexpectedly wonderful, unfurling into a gentle lovemaking between two friends who had fallen in love. They laughed, smiled, held each other, and talked all evening long about nothing… and everything.

“Sleep, sweetheart,” he murmured gently, kissing her cheek softly, before climbing out of the bed. Dressing silently, he stepped out into the hallway and saw the ship was coming to life in the early morning hours. Jared and Shepherd were raising the sails, and he could smell thescent of bacon in the air – which meant Bo was in the galley.

… And he was headed there to get Calista some coffee.

“Oh ho! Lookie there,” Jared grinned. “Somehow the newly married mongrel managed to pull himself from bed. We all figured you wouldn’t surface until it was time to pull into port.”

“Yeah,” Shepherd chuckled. “Then he’d appear, strut around like he’d done it all himself, even though we all know better…”

“Ha, ha, fellas…” Will chuckled, taking their playful ribbing with grace. They were happy for him – and the happier the guys were, the worse the teasing was.

“Dang it!” Marie blurted out from behind him, laughing and patting him on the back. “You won, Jared.”


“Won what?”

“We had a bet regarding what time you’d drag yourself out of bed…” Marie began, smiling up at Jared – who finished her statement.

“…And whether or not you’d be bow-legged.”

Will laughed easily, feeling his cheeks warm up as he rubbed the back of his neck in understanding. How had he not noticed just how these two interacted together? They were practically cut from the same cloth, and now that he knew they were in a relationship, it was glaringly obvious.

“Maybe Orange is the bow-legged one?” Bo said from the frame of the doorway, grinning at the conversation he’d just overheard.

“Hey now,” Will warned, smiling to soften his words. “I’m fair game – but Calista is not.”

“Aye, Captain,” all of them said at once, mockingly, as they looked at each other – and Will rolled his eyes.

“At ease, mateys…” he drawled pointedly at their roles they slipped into so easily.

Yeah, life on the ship was very different, yet the same from their lives endured in the military. There was leadership, ranks, designated duties, situational awareness, respect, order, and rules to follow… but there was also those moments where they could let down their hair, relax, and take a moment to savor what it was to be buddies, friends, and ‘brothers’ – including Marie.

“Thank you for everything yesterday, my friends,” he acknowledged, feeling a lump thicken in his throat. “You are like family to me – and I couldn’t think of a better way to get married than with you all present.”

“Was Calista okay with it?” Marie asked quietly, looking a little nervous. “I wish we had something better, some real flowers, or a cake. Maybe we should offer wedding cruises or something…”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Shepherd interjected. “It was so wonderful to be able to preside over your ceremony – and I missed giving blessings or sermons. Maybe we could get back to that, if we have cruises that extend over a Sunday, I could have a small service here on the deck.”

“We both loved what you all did for us, and Calista was very touched regarding the makeshift ‘flowers’. I think all of this would be quite an addition to our business,” Will began and smiled at them. “I suppose we should be diplomatic about this and come up with a plan, a strategy, and work it all out like a real company… and run it past HR.”

“There are those that will have issues…” Marie pointed out.

“It’s called ‘non-domination’,” Jared quipped, winking at her. “…And free will. They wouldn’t have to attend, but we could offer it.”

“We have time,” Will began. “I believe the next cruise is scheduled in two weeks and we need to start prepping.”

“Make sure there’s no crazies?”

“How about we make sure there are some single girls for Shepherd and me?” Bo said emphatically, causing everyone to laugh softly.

The sun was transforming the sky from a deep purplish-blue to a soft orange in the distance. It was breathtakingly beautiful to witness, and one of his favorite things about being on the ocean. There were no skyscrapers blocking his view, no houses or telephone poles… it was just you and the elements, facing a new start to each day.

“Red sky at morning…” Marie intoned, gazing at the sunrise along with the others. All of their faces were turned to see the massive globe of blinding light as it breeched what looked like the surface, appearing along its ascent across the heavens.