Will laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, as if to say, ‘leave it alone’. They were of the same mindset, just like Jared and Marie. It was strange to think that two very different people could find a haven in someone else… yet here they were.

Different people with varying circumstances that somehow found a way, despite everything.

She could have been asked to join them instead of ‘kidnapped’ – and she had been in such a frame of mind that she would have said ‘No’. The entire discussion she had mapped out in her mind with her sister was now becoming very different. Instead of yelling at her for having done this, she would probably thank her until the end of time.

“Let’s get you changed and warmed up,” Will said softly, causing her to nod in agreement.

She had no qualms as to what would happen behind closed doors, and put her hand in his. Yes, she wanted to bathe and her hair was soaked and matted from the salt water. She would wash up first – and then dunk her head in the basin, just trying to remove some of the residue.

Another twist to sea life for pirates and sailors… you could be surrounded by water, yet filthier than ever before because of the way the salt clung to your body and clothing.

What a strange thought and sensation,she mused as the door shut behind them, giving them privacy. Will movedabout the cabin silently, handing her what looked like a hotel bar of soap, wrapped in biodegradable material.

“I like my comforts,” he smiled – before yanking a small tub out from beneath the bunk in the distance. “Wait right here.”

Will took off out the doorway and returned with two pails full of water – and Marie was behind him with yet another steaming kettle. He dumped the pails, pouring the first kettle in before handing it to Marie… and then emptied the second one.

“I only have two arms, captain…” the woman teased, somehow managing to loop the buckets over her forearms and carry both kettles out. “Have a good night,” she said in a sing song voice that was full of implication.

As the door shut, Will went and shoved the small chair in the corner underneath the handle before latching it closed.

“Um, hi…” Calista whispered, suddenly a little nervous and feeling very strange at the idea of being intimate with someone after so long after Jack’s passing. She certainly never expected to kiss anyone anytime soon, much less get married, and though she wouldn’t change a thing about her relationship with Will.

It was all very real now, instead of surreal – and he seemed to sense it.

“C’mon,” he said softly, reaching for one of the metal mugs that contained the unexpected piña coladas. “The rum will help warm you up and relax… and keep me from making a nervous fool of myself.”

He gave her a knowing smile as a chuckle escaped her.

“I know this is silly…” she began.

“It’s different, new, and personal,” Will replied in complete understanding. “I would be shocked if we weren’ta little intimidated about all of this. So, how about we take a few steps back, enjoy our drinks, talk, and spend a little time alone without the idea of making love happening.”

“You don’t want to?”

“Oh, I absolutely do,” he laughed, smiling at her. “I just would prefer that my bride is completely at ease – and that I would stop worrying about not measuring up to your former husband.”

“Will…” she began in soft protest and complete understanding. This was tough for both of them in very different ways.

“Shhh,” he crooned softly, taking a sip of his drink pointedly and looking surprised. “Hey, this is actually pretty good. Now, turn from me and get in the water while it’s warm. I’ll wash your hair for you… and we’ll talk.”

“You’re just as sopping wet and covered in salt water as I am.”

“True – and given sixty seconds after you are in the tub? I’ll be out of my wet, salty things, sharing a drink with the woman I love… and lathering your back while we talk about mundane things.”

“Like what?” she laughed, turning nervously from him as the steaming small tub of water was beckoning her.

“I suppose we should talk about whether pineapple goes on pizza or ketchup should go on eggs,” he chuckled, tossing the soap in the water with a splash as she looked over her shoulder at him, amazed that he could be so wonderful and so understanding. “I really do love you – and if this doesn’t happen tonight, I still want to hold you close and savor the fact that we found each other, okay?”

“I love you too,” she smiled gratefully, marveling again at this miracle, this chance at happiness they were both taking.

She would always love Jack, and recognized that loss inside had become manageable – but in a way, she realized that she could love more than one person while treasuring them both in different ways.

Jack would have wanted her to move on, to be happy… and she felt like she was - finally.

Thank you, Athena…